Dot frowned. She wasn't sure why the healer had chosen to respond to that particular phrase, but she couldn't help but be a bit unsettled by it. Had she said something wrong? Had she given the healer any cause for concern beyond the injury on her foot? It was a common enough saying, wasn't it? Having spent a good many of her formative years abroad, Dot did sometimes find herself using turns of phrase that were not common English parlance, but that hadn't happened in a good long while. She'd been back at home in England for two, nearly three years now, so she mostly spoke as though she'd never left.
"It's just a saying," she said, with a smile and a quick giggle — both were forced, but neither looked it. "How's my foot?"
"It's just a saying," she said, with a smile and a quick giggle — both were forced, but neither looked it. "How's my foot?"
Beautiful set by Kit!