November 5th, 1891
Dear Mr. Chatham
Please accept my apologies in my delay in reply. A dear friend of mine — Miss Thompsett, do you remember her? — experienced the tragic loss of her mother and I've been distracted supporting her as much as I'm able.
Perhaps if you were to begin building a foundation in languages now you might one day be able to move into the International department. I suppose one of the positives of leaving school is that you're now free to study whatever subject you like in your free time. If you begin studying even once or twice a week I'm sure you could be fluent in time!
Believe it or not, I've never tried to see within the restricted section of the library. I always assumed it contained magic beyond what we at school were capable of understanding. It seems awfully foolish to have Dark Magic books in a place where so many young minds are capable of being influenced. One professor with an ill intention... I'm sure Head Master Black has ways of preventing this.
Definitely let me know if or when you make progress in French! I wish you all the best in your endeavors.
Your Friend,
Ms. Alice Dawson
Ms. Alice Dawson