What: St. Andrews Day Celebrations
Who: Hogsmeade Village Committee - but events likely planned by individual organisers
Cost: Various
Where: Hogsmeade Village - various Locations
Why: As a proud Scottish village, we should definitely be celebrating
When: 30th November
8am - Devotion of the Saint Andrew Christmas Novena.
All Day: - Scottish food fair and market for produce/gifts
Local girls and boys who know how to Highland Dancing will be performing in the square
local singers and musical groups who play Highland music will be singing and performing all day.
Childrens craft events,
Traditional Poetry and story telling
Local shop owners may do their own mini events on, or part of the highstreet.
Whisky tasting (to be confused with whiskey at your peril)
After dark there will be a torchlit procession and bonfire and a tato
Hogsmeade Hall will host a ceilidh for WC and the working MC
the Ballroom will host a more elegant ball for the well to do MC/UC
Contact Player(s): Who can members contact for more info? Tag the main account(s) in question!
Lady is a wonder