The pruning shears paused in Amelia's hand as she took in Mrs. Ross's response. Easier for some than others. Which begged the question, which category would she ultimately fall into? Surely being the wife of the Minister was far more demanding than a life as the wife of a high-ranking Ministry member. But all the same, Amelia figured she should suspect much of the same scrutiny placed on her. If not the same, perhaps even more given that she would move from Working to Middle Class.
The fact remained though, that the thought of removing herself from their relationship made her own stomach drop and her cheeks pale. She knew she would at least be devastated...but Konstantin seemed such a rock; immovable and well-grounded. If anything, he wouldn't have her to worry about if she left...otherwise, what was she to him? What would she become to him if she joined his family? Surely they would think her lack of knowledge and expertise a burden. Except perhaps Miss Fisk, whom Amelia had encountered at the zoo. She seemed the understanding type. But what about the rest of them - the rest of Society?
Shaken by this realization, Amelia took a deep breath and continued pruning the plants in front of her. No wonder Mrs. Ross came out here to gain some perspective. It certainly seemed to clear Amelia's own mind a great deal.
The fact remained though, that the thought of removing herself from their relationship made her own stomach drop and her cheeks pale. She knew she would at least be devastated...but Konstantin seemed such a rock; immovable and well-grounded. If anything, he wouldn't have her to worry about if she left...otherwise, what was she to him? What would she become to him if she joined his family? Surely they would think her lack of knowledge and expertise a burden. Except perhaps Miss Fisk, whom Amelia had encountered at the zoo. She seemed the understanding type. But what about the rest of them - the rest of Society?
Shaken by this realization, Amelia took a deep breath and continued pruning the plants in front of her. No wonder Mrs. Ross came out here to gain some perspective. It certainly seemed to clear Amelia's own mind a great deal.