He really ought to know better than to embarrass himself at the Ministry anymore.
But Elliot had gotten it into his head that if he could see his visions — his actual visions, not just the gut feelings that plagued him — then maybe he could make sense of this. He had been a professor of Divination, and a fairly good one at that — he ought to be able to make sense of his own visions.
But of course the secretary refused him, and would not let him talk to any of the Unspeakables, and Elliot had seen this coming — (in a logical way, not from the Sight) — and yet he still let the argument get heated.
He was starting to feel embarrassed by the time he saw the other woman again, when they were both waiting for the lift.
"The Unspeakables think that I'm dramatic," Elliot said, a little dry. He wasn't sure how much he should get into it with a stranger. For his reputation, it ought to be not at all — but he was already a known Seer, and had already predicted deaths, and had already had this publicized.
But Elliot had gotten it into his head that if he could see his visions — his actual visions, not just the gut feelings that plagued him — then maybe he could make sense of this. He had been a professor of Divination, and a fairly good one at that — he ought to be able to make sense of his own visions.
But of course the secretary refused him, and would not let him talk to any of the Unspeakables, and Elliot had seen this coming — (in a logical way, not from the Sight) — and yet he still let the argument get heated.
He was starting to feel embarrassed by the time he saw the other woman again, when they were both waiting for the lift.
"The Unspeakables think that I'm dramatic," Elliot said, a little dry. He wasn't sure how much he should get into it with a stranger. For his reputation, it ought to be not at all — but he was already a known Seer, and had already predicted deaths, and had already had this publicized.