Ah, there was Macnair! Perhaps he wasn't a complete coward after all. Still, it was unforgivable of him to force him out after having shot him earlier. It was also the least of Macnair's crimes in Charles' opinion. He extinguished his wand light and wrapped an arm around the trunk of the tree to keep himself steady as he turned to face Macnair properly. "Not a fan of your own handiwork?" He sneered ruefully at the other man. "I saw that bullet curve, you son of a bitch!" His words weren't slurred but they were clearly heading in that direction.
"You cheated! You bloody fucking cheated and ruined my proposal, you shit!" If only Macnair would come a little closer, he'd get what was coming to him then!
"You cheated! You bloody fucking cheated and ruined my proposal, you shit!" If only Macnair would come a little closer, he'd get what was coming to him then!