It is not meant as insubordination. It is merely my job to advise your government in the administration of it's laws. Youu are free to set aside my recommendations, but I would be in dereliction of my duty to not give you the best advice I thought possible.
I have advised as to which departments would be best placed to serve your immediate needs - and it is not for me to assign their employees to your service, it is for Misters Prewitt and Lupin to advise on the exact persons under their charge who might serve your needs. As already advised, Mister Fisk will be at your service for handling the immediate aftermath, and as 'man on the ground' from the DMLE.
M. Greyback
It is not meant as insubordination. It is merely my job to advise your government in the administration of it's laws. Youu are free to set aside my recommendations, but I would be in dereliction of my duty to not give you the best advice I thought possible.
I have advised as to which departments would be best placed to serve your immediate needs - and it is not for me to assign their employees to your service, it is for Misters Prewitt and Lupin to advise on the exact persons under their charge who might serve your needs. As already advised, Mister Fisk will be at your service for handling the immediate aftermath, and as 'man on the ground' from the DMLE.
M. Greyback
MJ is a National Treasure