Now, the thought of Ben roughing up a rascal was - probably something she ought not to think about. In any case, her worry was lessening with each addition to his explanation, but she knew she would not let it go until she'd learned that the duel had come and gone and Ben was still here.
"And I am a mediwitch," she said, matter-of-factly, "It is in my nature to be concerned." Despite her words her lips tilted up into a soft smile, and her she unwrapped her arms from around her chest. Her hand found the doorknob again, but did not turn it just yet.
"And I am a mediwitch," she said, matter-of-factly, "It is in my nature to be concerned." Despite her words her lips tilted up into a soft smile, and her she unwrapped her arms from around her chest. Her hand found the doorknob again, but did not turn it just yet.