"It's like shadows," he explained. "Outlines of things, and shapes, but no color or distinction. And it's only with things that are close. Arm's reach, or a little farther," he continued. Hence walking with his arms out, the way that he'd done a moment ago. It wasn't quite enough sight to reliably warn him of obstructions if he was moving at a normal pace, and even when he was picking his way carefully across the room he still could have wished for a bit more range on the vision.
He turned his face towards the sound of her voice and the vague silhouette of her at her second question. "Yes, of course," he replied. He thought to leave it at that, but after a moment he couldn't help but add something that had been bothering him on and off since their first conversation. "Are my eyes still... you said they weren't the right color," he said, with a frown. "It sounds a little... unsettling. Do they still look that way?"
He turned his face towards the sound of her voice and the vague silhouette of her at her second question. "Yes, of course," he replied. He thought to leave it at that, but after a moment he couldn't help but add something that had been bothering him on and off since their first conversation. "Are my eyes still... you said they weren't the right color," he said, with a frown. "It sounds a little... unsettling. Do they still look that way?"