The issue with his ask was that in her profession there was little room to compromise. Fallon couldn't tell Prewett no if ordered onto a dangerous or long term case. Nor could she guarantee to have a set schedule or early evenings more often than not. Or rather, she could, but to do so would likely mean sacrificing any progress made on her career path. Jesse didn't — and likely would never — understand this as he would never face such decisions. He would never have a boss frown at him for leaving a pile of work for the next day or battle colleagues for a hot case.
The dismissal was obvious, a far cry from what she had hoped for when coming over that evening. "Fine," she muttered. Nothing about this was fine, but if he refused to even acknowledge her perspective there was nothing to be done. "Fine." She repeated, this time her agitation clear.
Reaching for her bag, Fallon slung it back onto her shoulder and avoided looking at him again. "You know where to find me if you want." He wouldn't break first, she knew, but Merlin did she wish he would. "Night, Jess."
The dismissal was obvious, a far cry from what she had hoped for when coming over that evening. "Fine," she muttered. Nothing about this was fine, but if he refused to even acknowledge her perspective there was nothing to be done. "Fine." She repeated, this time her agitation clear.
Reaching for her bag, Fallon slung it back onto her shoulder and avoided looking at him again. "You know where to find me if you want." He wouldn't break first, she knew, but Merlin did she wish he would. "Night, Jess."