Silence stretched out between them and all it did was rile her up even more. She was wide awake now and simmering. It was her turn to feel the rising frustration bubbling up to a point where she couldn't take it. She whipped out of the bed faster than someone growing a human should have been able to, streaming from the room and through the house at a fast clip.
She was to the door with her cloak and slipping into her boots without so much as a thought as to what she was doing, but angry tears had welled up into the corners of her eyes (damn pregnancy hormones!) and she refused to let him see her cry again. Slamming the door behind her, she bounded off the porch and started up the lane toward the zoo, dark and time be damned.
She was to the door with her cloak and slipping into her boots without so much as a thought as to what she was doing, but angry tears had welled up into the corners of her eyes (damn pregnancy hormones!) and she refused to let him see her cry again. Slamming the door behind her, she bounded off the porch and started up the lane toward the zoo, dark and time be damned.