Thea loved being asked questions just as much as she loved asking them, so she spoke rapid fire as the Hat's inquiries came. She tended to be decisive and her mind worked quickly. There was little hesitation when she spoke. If she slowed down, it was due to thoughtfulness rather than uncertainty.
'What are you most proud of?'
"Oh! Well, that's easy. My family! I'm proud of my father because he's very smart and kind and he works hard to provide for all of us. My mother can be scary, but she loves us and makes sure nothing bad ever happens to us. You've already met my brother and sister, but just in case you don't remember them ... huh ... can you remember things?" She was curious as ever, even in front of a crowd. "Uhm ... right, my siblings! We fight sometimes but mostly they're nice and are going to be Very Important People when they're grown up and I know because my parents say so." She hummed affirmatively and nodded.
'Would you ever take revenge against someone if they wronged you?'
"Nope! Nobody does things for no reason. If someone wrongs me there's a problem, and problems can be fixed. Revenge doesn't fix anything. It's just ... mean. I don't like being mean."
'If you had to get rid of all your possessions but one, which would you keep?'
"What counts as a possession? 'Cause if animals count then I'd get rid of anything but my kitty. She's very old and tends to cough up her hair all over the place, but I love her anyway, more than anything else. If animals don't count then I guess I'd have to keep my jar of Honeyduke's savings because that's pragmatical."
'What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?'
"I got stung by a wasp one time. That was pretty awful. There was also a time I ate too much chocolate and had such a horrible tummy ache I thought I might perish. That might be it."
'If you were struggling in one of your classes how would you deal with it?'
"I would ask for help right away. My father says an abundance of pride is for fools, so I shouldn't let that get in my way. I'm clever, but I don't know everything and it would be foolish to struggle on my own. If none of my classmates could help me, then I'd go to a professor. Another easy one!"
'If you could choose one skill to be exceptional in above all others, what would it be and why?'
"That's such a hard one! Just a single skill? Hmm." She pressed her lips together hard and gave it a lot of thought. "Language? Or reading? If you can understand words really well, you can understand anything. For magic and for people words are most important, aren't they?"
'What are you most proud of?'
"Oh! Well, that's easy. My family! I'm proud of my father because he's very smart and kind and he works hard to provide for all of us. My mother can be scary, but she loves us and makes sure nothing bad ever happens to us. You've already met my brother and sister, but just in case you don't remember them ... huh ... can you remember things?" She was curious as ever, even in front of a crowd. "Uhm ... right, my siblings! We fight sometimes but mostly they're nice and are going to be Very Important People when they're grown up and I know because my parents say so." She hummed affirmatively and nodded.
'Would you ever take revenge against someone if they wronged you?'
"Nope! Nobody does things for no reason. If someone wrongs me there's a problem, and problems can be fixed. Revenge doesn't fix anything. It's just ... mean. I don't like being mean."
'If you had to get rid of all your possessions but one, which would you keep?'
"What counts as a possession? 'Cause if animals count then I'd get rid of anything but my kitty. She's very old and tends to cough up her hair all over the place, but I love her anyway, more than anything else. If animals don't count then I guess I'd have to keep my jar of Honeyduke's savings because that's pragmatical."
'What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?'
"I got stung by a wasp one time. That was pretty awful. There was also a time I ate too much chocolate and had such a horrible tummy ache I thought I might perish. That might be it."
'If you were struggling in one of your classes how would you deal with it?'
"I would ask for help right away. My father says an abundance of pride is for fools, so I shouldn't let that get in my way. I'm clever, but I don't know everything and it would be foolish to struggle on my own. If none of my classmates could help me, then I'd go to a professor. Another easy one!"
'If you could choose one skill to be exceptional in above all others, what would it be and why?'
"That's such a hard one! Just a single skill? Hmm." She pressed her lips together hard and gave it a lot of thought. "Language? Or reading? If you can understand words really well, you can understand anything. For magic and for people words are most important, aren't they?"