Nicknames: Will by friends/family; Pendergast by colleagues
Birthdate: November 22nd, 1864
Current Age: 25
Occupation: Ministry; Employee for the Dept. of International Magical Co-Operation
Reputation: 9
Residence: TBD Road, Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Alumnus
Wand: Pearwood, 12 1/2", Dragon Heartstring, Bendy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
Philip Pendergast, Father (1826-1884)Appearance:
Olivia Pendergast (née Lestrange), Mother (1837-1887)
Regan Pendergast, Brother (b. 1861); and family
Eloise Manwaring (née Pendergast), Sister (b. 1862)
---- Linford "Ford" Manwaring, Brother-in-law (b. 1855)
---- Philip Manwaring, Nephew (b. 1881)
---- Lester Manwaring, Nephew (b. 1885)
Evelyn Abercrombie (née Pendergast), Sister (b. 1863)
---- Elwin Abercrombie, Brother-in-law (b. 1850)
---- Ares Abercrombie, Nephew (b. 1884)
---- Ambrosia Abercrombie, Niece (b. 1885)
---- Araminta Abercrombie, Niece (b. 1888)
Rosalind Pendergast, Sister (b. 1866)
Ellory Lestrange (née Pendergast), Sister (b. 1867)
---- Claudius Lestrange, 1st cousin & Brother-in-law (b. 1859)
Regina Pendergast, Sister (b. 1883)
Warrick Pendergast, Brother (1883-1884)Cornelia Lestrange, 1st Cousin & Betrothed (b. 1870)
He is related to the Macmillans on his father's side, and closely related to the Lestrange, Selwyn, and Macnair families on his mother's.
-- Stands at 5'7".History:
-- He has thick, dark-blonde hair and hazel green eyes.
-- His build is lean and lightly muscled. Though, most notably, is the long scar on his left arm that trails down from his shoulder down to his inner forearm; acquired through a dragon-related injury during the Hogsmeade Trail Expedition. He also sustained some nerve damage in the shoulder area, often experiencing some pain while doing anything overly strenuous.
-- While simple, his wardrobe is one that befits a man of his station in smart suits and wizarding robes when/if the occasion calls for them.
-- He is right-handed.
LATE AUTUMN OF 1864 | William Fernand is born the second son and fourth child to Philip and Olivia Pendergast (née Lestrange). While his presence of male appendage ensured that he would be on his parents' radar, he was still promptly put into the capable hands of his nanny and wetnurse very soon after.Personality:
YEAR OF 1866 | His younger sister, Rosalind, is born. Being barely two at the time, he has no recollection of this.
SUMMER OF 1867 | Ellory is born, being the last Pendergast child born for quite a while.
YEAR OF 1869 | Will was five when he exhibited his first act of magic, shooting off after Regan on his toy broomstick, being at that age where he wanted to do everything that his big brother does.
YEAR OF 1870 | Will begins his pre-Hogwarts education with a tutor. While he's not a stellar pupil, he does well enough in his studies, his favorite subjects being history, geography, and language.
AUTUMN OF 1872 | Regan is the first of the Pendergast children to go off to Hogwarts, surprising everyone by getting sorted into Gryffindor.
AUTUMN OF 1873/74 | Eloise follows suit soon after, getting sorted into the ------ house.
AUTUMN OF 1875 | Evelyn becomes a Slytherin in September.
SUMMER OF 1876 | William finally gets his Hogwarts acceptance letter in July, and not long after, gets his first ever (and only) wand — a 12 1/2" Pearwood wand with a Dragon Heartstring core.
SEPTEMBER 1876 - MAY 1877; FIRST YEAR | If Regan's sorting four years ago was shocking, Will's certainly knocked it out of the park when he was sorted into Hufflepuff, of all houses. He is not skeptical of this decision so much as worried as to what his family might think, though he does come to take pride in his house as the years wore on. While average academically, he shines socially and was eager to try out as many student clubs as possible before settling on Leisure Sports, Quidditch, and History clubs. He excelled in Charms, Transfiguration, and History of Magic.
YEAR OF 1877 | The Pendergast family moves to Hogsmeade during the muggle uprisings. He adapts easily to the move, viewing Hogsmeade as something new to explore.
SEPTEMBER 1877 - MAY 1878; SECOND YEAR | His second year saw Rosalind join Evelyn in Slytherin. A potions experiment gone wrong saw Will and his friend get sent to the Hospital Wing for first-degree burns, and he got his first (and only) detention.
SUMMER OF 1878 | Regan graduates and starts playing Quidditch at a professional level.
SEPTEMBER 1878 - MAY 1879 | Ellory replaces Regan as the new Gryffindor Pendergast. Will is only mildly disappointed that she wasn't placed in Hufflepuff along with him, though his disappointment soon paved way for intrigue as he attended his new elective classes — Ancient Studies, Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures.
YEAR OF 1879 | His grandfather and namesake, William Lestrange, passes away in May just before Eloise's graduation. Fortunately for Eloise, her wedding to Mr. Linford Manwaring still takes place at the end of the year. Which was strange to Will, as she was still so young, but not wholly unexpected.
SEPTEMBER 1879 - MAY 1880; FOURTH YEAR | His first crush is on a girl named Miss Emmaline -----, a halfblood in the year above him. A crush that was one-sided and short-lived as she left school at the end of the year after her OWLs. Which was just as well as by Christmas of that year, he discovers that he's betrothed to his first cousin, Cornelia Lestrange.
SEPTEMBER 1880 - MAY 1881; FIFTH YEAR | William was pleased when he was named Prefect for Hufflepuff House. He also sits his OWLs in May, receiving a handful of Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations sprinkled with a few Acceptables.
Sometime during this year, Eloise has her first child, a boy named Philip Manwaring after their father.
SEPTEMBER 1881 - MAY 1882; SIXTH YEAR | William continues his NEWT studies with a full course load: Ancient Runes, Ancient Studies, Charms, DADA, History of Magic, Transfiguration, and got special referral to take Gobbledygook. He's still not sure what he wants to do after Hogwarts, but knows that as a second son, he would have to work to support himself — especially if he hoped to be able to provide for his cousin by the time they would eventually marry.
SUMMER OF 1882 | His plans of interning for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is cut short when he was unceremoniously drafted for the Hogsmeade Trail Expedition. In the Ministry's effort to expand magical territory, he and a group of three other men were released into forests surrounding Hogsmeade and were forced to survive and face unprecedented dangers. No sooner than he had started, however, a venomous dragon bite sends him back home where he spent most of the summer recovering at St. Mungo's. He does receive a plot of land and ten galleons for participating though.
SEPTEMBER 1882 - MAY 1883; SEVENTH YEAR | Will's seventh and final year. He was shocked to discover that he was named Head Boy for the 1882-1883 school year along with Odira Browne, not expecting it, but eventually was very pleased about it. Though it was a let-down that he would have to give up Leisure Sports and Quidditch clubs for the year due to this shoulder injury, it did allow for him to study more for his NEWT, which he scored better on than his OWLs.
YEAR OF 1883 | Evelyn becomes Mrs. Elwin Abercrombie in January, and Will graduated at a few months later in May. With his injury preventing him from pursuing most active-based careers, Will settles for interning with the Department of International Magical Co-Operation in August. His mother's surprise!pregnancy results in fraternal twins, Regina and Warrick Pendergast.
SUMMER OF 1884 | Plague. Fire. Doom. The Laughing Plague and Fiendfyre sees half of his family either dead, injured, or homeless — including his father and younger brother. On the bright side, Rosalind graduates and debuts, Evelyn has her first child — a boy named Ares Abercrombie — and Will is promoted to a full-fledged employee in the DoIMC. He moves into Excalibur's shortly afterward.
YEAR OF 1885 | Ellory graduates and is, of course, promptly enrolled at their mother's finishing school in Irvingly. Both Evelyn and Eloise have their second children: Ambrosia Abercrombie and Lester Manwaring.
YEAR OF 1886 | Rosalind gets engaged, but gets cold feet on the day of the wedding and jilts her fiancé at the altar. As a consequence, she is to America to stay with their sister, Eloise, for a time to allow the scandal to die down. Ellory finally debuts in the summer after a year of finishing school.
YEAR OF 1887 | His mother is killed in the Wizarding World Market fiasco. It was a jarring reality to accept as Will had always viewed Olivia (née Lestrange) as indestructible, and found himself more saddened by her death that he would have expected. It was no surprise — to Will, anyway — when Evelyn takes over as the new Headmistress of the Pendergast school.
YEAR OF 1888 | His first cousin and betrothed, Cornelia Lestrange, graduates and was sent to his mother's (now sister's) finishing school for a year. Evelyn has her second child, another girl this time named Araminta.
YEAR OF 1890 - PRESENT | Will moves out of Excalibur's and into a house of his own in the New Year, and is currently anticipating his impending nuptials, which is scheduled to take place on the 24th of June. Ellory also gets married this year, becoming Mrs. Claudius Lestrange on the 9th of the same month — to their first cousin, to Cornelia's brother... Again, weird but not unexpected.
Sagittarius. ENFP. Huffledor. Laidback. Charismatic. Social. Good-natured. Optimistic, but never forces it on someone who isn't receptive to it. More clever than he lets on. Energetic. Active. Curious. Observant. Restless to a degree — particularly whenever he feels that his life has become stagnant, which accounts for his varied interests as finding a new hobby is his way of combating it. Patient. Loyal. Adventurous and willing to take risks, but not reckless about it.Other:
-- A knack for picking up foreign languages. He is fluent in English, French, and German; proficient in Spanish and learning Mandarin; and can read Latin. He has also dabbled in Gabbledygook, but is by no means proficient at it.
-- Though he would never say so out loud, he is not a blood purist.
-- He has a crup and a barn owl.
Age: 23
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