She had his attention, because of course she did.
"Not yesterday or anything, don't worry", she reassured him, then straightened up. "1821. No, 1822. It's all in this diary", Eloquence brandished the parchments again, which were strung loosely together to create a loose, homemade journal.
"These, little brother, are the writings of one Mr Belflor, a footman in this household back in the twenties. These diary pages were found in an old cookbook from the library — it still had our address in it, so the librarian posted it to us, and, well, it's mine now. For snooping", she added playfully. "(He doesn't mind, he's long gone.)"
Eloquence leafed delicately through the pages. "Anyway, he writes of the strange death of a kitchen boy. It wasn't much of a scandal at the time because... he was "only" a kitchen boy", she frowned slightly. "But he was found under most mysterious circumstances. There lay a heavy candlestick next to his poor body. The candlestick was stained... with blood."
"Not yesterday or anything, don't worry", she reassured him, then straightened up. "1821. No, 1822. It's all in this diary", Eloquence brandished the parchments again, which were strung loosely together to create a loose, homemade journal.
"These, little brother, are the writings of one Mr Belflor, a footman in this household back in the twenties. These diary pages were found in an old cookbook from the library — it still had our address in it, so the librarian posted it to us, and, well, it's mine now. For snooping", she added playfully. "(He doesn't mind, he's long gone.)"
Eloquence leafed delicately through the pages. "Anyway, he writes of the strange death of a kitchen boy. It wasn't much of a scandal at the time because... he was "only" a kitchen boy", she frowned slightly. "But he was found under most mysterious circumstances. There lay a heavy candlestick next to his poor body. The candlestick was stained... with blood."