This time Holly didn't stop herself from rolling her eyes, which might have rolled back into her head if she would have allowed. Holly knew Seneca had dark interests, and Seneca knew Holly had dark interests; and on top of that, they shared a magical journal with four or five other people who also had dark interests.
"Fourteen," she corrected, sort of offhandedly, because she knew Seneca didn't care how old she was or what year she was in, but she also had no intention of being infatalized by the sixth year. "And the last time I checked, it wasn't a crime to read books. Forgive me for being concerned for my safety when a literal child wants to perform ancient magic on me. I shouldn't worry; I'm sure your maid turned out just fine," she deadpanned, crossing her own arms across her chest.
"Fourteen," she corrected, sort of offhandedly, because she knew Seneca didn't care how old she was or what year she was in, but she also had no intention of being infatalized by the sixth year. "And the last time I checked, it wasn't a crime to read books. Forgive me for being concerned for my safety when a literal child wants to perform ancient magic on me. I shouldn't worry; I'm sure your maid turned out just fine," she deadpanned, crossing her own arms across her chest.
— set by MJ <3 —