Thom for Puddlemere obviously.
Emrys isn't a fan of Quidditch generally so he only watches Falmouth Falcons games, in the same way who people who don't like hockey watch it for the brawls or people who don't like NASCAR watch it for the crashes.
Ben used to play for Appleby so he supports them unless they're playing Hogsmeade in which case he roots for Art.
Ophelia for Kenmare because of Roberto but previously she was a Caerphilly fan because she grew up nearish to Wales.
Emrys isn't a fan of Quidditch generally so he only watches Falmouth Falcons games, in the same way who people who don't like hockey watch it for the brawls or people who don't like NASCAR watch it for the crashes.
Ben used to play for Appleby so he supports them unless they're playing Hogsmeade in which case he roots for Art.
Ophelia for Kenmare because of Roberto but previously she was a Caerphilly fan because she grew up nearish to Wales.