October 4th, 1888
You know you're more than welcome any time, though when Edric is at work may be best. I fear he's still not your biggest fan and he's understandably stressed at the moment, so I'm trying exceptionally hard not to piss him off.
Oh my darling, let me tell you, having been high on that nonsense for three days, had that Merlin-forsaken potion intended for me to be in love with... I don't even know, my own brother for crying out loud, there would have been absolutely nothing that could have been done. Trust him when he says it didn't mean anything, it really didn't. I think whoever planned that nonsense out meant to cause the most chaos they could. I think in my own case it would have been catastrophic, if they were simply going on rumors. It wasn't as if anyone but you knew about the situation.
None of the other "couples" that were paired up made any sense either, and on paper neither do Edric and I. Mr. Bixby only has eyes for you, Tuni, believe me when I say that. Don't give up on him because somebody else thought it would be funny to screw with other people's personal lives. Come on over whenever and I'll prove it.