7th September, 1888
Dearest Zippy,
I know, I already miss you and Delilah terribly too! Of course I am glad to see some of my old friends again - you know how awfully I missed those who were stuck in the fog for all July! I shouldn't say I have made any new friends, particularly, but the halls and the House are full of new first years. And you know how Hufflepuff is - we do all try to be kind towards the youngsters. Although they are horribly loud. I would not say I am thriving, though, not amidst all the demands of fifth year! OWLs are only in May, which might be eons away, but I feel as though it might be tomorrow, the way the professors are acting. I'm a little worried of the workload to come. Professor Ellsworth (still teaching Charms, you know, as I imagine he will until the end of the world) did not even start off with a nice bit of introductory theory, but sent us straight into trying a new spell! I think I shall die before the year is up. However did you manage such wonderful grades across the board? I swear I pay so much more attention than you and yet It is becoming ever more clear that I am not so quick a learner as you!
I am only grateful, at least, that I haven't the faintest intention of following you and Solomon into healing. How is work? It's only been a week and I'm already so tired, so I haven't the energy to write any more. So you must write to me instead, and tell me what you have been up to without me!
Love, Jemima