September 29, 2018 – 9:39 PM
Acacia Darlington — Played by Kelly
Quote:Juniper: I don’t sweat.
New Lady’s Maid: Everyone sweats...?
Andrew: Not Juniper. She never sweats.
New Lady’s Maid: What do you mean “she never sweats”?
Juniper: Sweating is gross, so I don’t do it.
Quote:Claire: Candles are how we keep fires as pets.
Flora: This is unnecessarily adorable.
Quote:Sweetie: There are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Sweetie Whitledge way.
Honey: Isn’t that the wrong way?
Sweetie: Yeah, but it’s faster.
Quote:Handsome: I intend to get as far away from this place as possible.
Sweetie: Oh, Santa got my letter!
Quote:Claire: The word “fear” is not in my vocabulary!
Carius: Perhaps not, but it’s in your eyes.
Quote:Flora: *looking toward Claire* Have you ever just looked at someone and imagined holding their head underwater?
Random Friend: …
Flora: Yeah. Me either…