Miss Emsworth,
Thank you for your reply, it has been very insightful and will aid me in my research. Your thoughts on the plants not thriving on actual blood are fascinating and do appear to be borne out by the current states of growth in my plants. Most of the notes on them being sanguine appear to be anecdotal or folklore-based, but folklore always seems to have the most lovely hidden truths hidden in its tales. The species I am working with is the European Barrow Lily, it is typically found around old tombs and seems to favour grave dirt which might explain the stories that I have read.
Regards defanging the plant, so far the plants have not begun to exhibit their fangs but I suspect by the time of my next physical examination that gloves shall be necessary. Professor Skeeter has given all the suitable training to remove the fangs during class, but my personal preference,, for now, is to leave them intact to observe them in as natural a state as possible. Merlin knows I might live to regret that decision.
Thank you for the book, I have not seen this one before and it now sits on my nightstand, I do not doubt that some of the other Hufflepuff girls are eyeing it with interest too.
Sincerely yours,
Miss Antelope Grace
Cordelia Emsworth Mason Skeeter
Her name is pronounced similarly to Penelope