November 25th, 1894
Miss Grace,
Your query is quite the surprise, as it has been a while since I have heard from Professor Skeeter. A most welcome surprise however, and I shall do my best to answer your questions as thoroughly as possible.
To be honest, I have never worked with any variety of vampiric vegetation that thrives on actual blood. In my experience, the vampiric vegetation from my travels survives on the juices of other plants and fruits for sustenance. Much like a vampire would thrive on something that it needed to live before turning, the vampiric vegetation often feasts on what it contains itself. While I do know that there is no change involved, like that of human to vampire, I am intrigued to know what variety of plant it is you are working with. My herbology professor was much less adventurous than Professor Skeeter, and so we only worked with more tame subjects, but I do hope Professor Skeeter has properly prepared you for defanging and treating possible bites. They can be quite nasty.
Regardless, as to your question about the qualities of your own blood in the experiment, which was set up beautifully, by your explanation, I have faith that the additional magic in your own blood, something that is not common among magical folk, would certainly impact the results in regards to growth. I am no human biologist, but my professional opinion is that it will unlikely create any additional properties to the plant itself. You will not be changing the plant in its most basic sense, altering the natural state of it, but adding something to the soil. That would need to be done on a more cellular level.
I have reached out to some colleagues who may have more experience in the matter and I will get back to you if something of use pops up. In the meantime, I have attached a copy of one of my favorite, lesser-known books on semi-sentient plants, I do believe there is a chapter or two on the vampiric vegetation.
I do hope that helps, best of luck!
Most Sincerely,
Cordelia Emsworth
Cordelia Emsworth