She looked as if she was coming from something girlish; the braid hanging on her shoulder, and her clothing, were less fashionable than he'd seen her bear at previous parties. Despite the oddness of the situation, August was sort of charmed to see her in a more casual setting than he had previously. And Miss Victoire Malfoy was certainly more pleasant than her rather dour sister.
"Well, you hoped correctly," August said, easy. He could not imagine turning her out; who knew where she'd go next? August slotted his bookmark into the well-worn copy of the book and offered it to Miss Malfoy. "A Vindication of the Rights of Women," August said; the smile on his face was distinctly self-aware. "It's, ah — feminist philosophy."
"Well, you hoped correctly," August said, easy. He could not imagine turning her out; who knew where she'd go next? August slotted his bookmark into the well-worn copy of the book and offered it to Miss Malfoy. "A Vindication of the Rights of Women," August said; the smile on his face was distinctly self-aware. "It's, ah — feminist philosophy."
set by Bree