02 July, 1888
Febs,I'm sure she would appreciate the sentiment. No matter how exasperated she might get with you, I'm sure she's only worried about you and your future. They say that nothing can compare to a mother's love.
I'll keep the pendant close to my heart while on the expedition and will do everything in my power to be careful, if only to ensure it remains in a single piece. That sort of sentiment cannot be replaced.
I suppose the topic of family is a matter of perspective. My father is a business owner who paid more attention to his accounting logs than his son; as a child I would have jumped at the opportunity to have someone fuss over me, even if it meant them acting in a way that others might consider overwhelming.
I'm happy that your brother is on a road to recovery. It may not be swift, but in due time I'm sure he'll return to his normal self. Memories can be tampered with, but the true self cannot be.
I love you. Sleep well.
— set by MJ! —