Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Adoptable Characters
For Desdemona

Hi! My adoptables are pretty rules-light. Just let me know if you want to take one on, and I'll reserve. I'm not the most active at the moment, so I'm not going to expect perfect activity from anyone! Just do me the courtesy of letting me know if you intend to drop your character, whether temporarily or permanently. I know my adoptables aren't necessarily the prettiest, either.

Edgar Ravenswood
b. 1830 | UCHB | Ravenclaw Class of '48/49
Respectably Employed | Rep 9

Edgar truly loved his wife, and adores his children in his own way, especially after the struggles he and Margaret faced with infant mortality. He didn't interact with them much until they were about to start Hogwarts, at which point he personally escorted each of them for school shopping. He especially took an interest in his sons, though he didn't neglect his daughters — he just didn't know how to connect well with them. His wife's passing hit him hard, and he didn't reenter society until his youngest was entering Hogwarts. He enjoys dogs, and has given each of his children a different pup as a graduation present. Pictured is Anthony Head, with alternatives to be age-appropriate and white.

Cordelia née Ravenswood
b. 1862 | UCHB | Ravenpuff Class of '80
Socialite | Rep 9

As the oldest, Cordelia grew up with the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. Do decently in school. Marry well. Become a decent mother. She looked up to her own mother quite significantly, so Margaret's death in 1884 was quite devastating. She has since taken it upon her shoulders to guide her young sister, while also working hard on being a good wife and socialite for her own husband. Cordelia has at least two children of her own at this point. Pictured is Vera Farmiga, and I'm quite set on her for Cordelia, despite her being much older than the character.

Mercutio Ravenswood
b. 1867 | UCHB | Ravenpuff Class of '85/86
Respectably Employed | Rep 9ish

The Responsible Brother, the Heir, the Golden Boy. Mercutio was quite the dedicated student, and even offered to tutor his younger siblings (primarily over the summers) in subjects he was skilled with. He took a full schedule of OWLs and NEWTs alike, and may in fact have become a healer post-graduation, but that's obviously open to interpretation. His future, however, is quite secured as the heir to the Ravenswood fortunes. He counts as an eligible bachelor. Pictured is Toby Regbo, with alternatives to be white and appropriately respectable-looking.

Hamlet Ravenswood
b. 1870 | UCHB | Gryffinpuff Class of '88
Layabout | Rep 9

Hamlet entered his final year when Des started her Hogwarts career. He barely had anything to do with her over that year, but not out of any particular malice. He simply didn't have time for her, between his class schedule (which he took anywhere from four to six courses), his social circle, and his extracurricular interests. He may have been a Quidditch player, much to his father's chagrin; if this is so, he suffered a career-ending injury in the last few years and has spent his time since doing nothing in particular. Pictured is Jack Quaid, with alternatives to be white and preferably kinda goofy.

Messages In This Thread
Adoptable Characters - by Charming - January 28, 2018 – 4:30 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Honoria Rookwood - March 30, 2024 – 8:25 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Thaddeus Flint - March 30, 2024 – 8:27 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Madeleine Backus - March 30, 2024 – 8:27 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Murdock Greyback - March 30, 2024 – 8:27 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Enid Glynn - March 30, 2024 – 8:28 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Meserimus Valenduris - March 30, 2024 – 8:28 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Ginevra Blackwood - March 30, 2024 – 8:29 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Rose Hart - March 30, 2024 – 8:30 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Porphyria Dempsey - March 30, 2024 – 8:31 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Iphigenia Adebayo - March 30, 2024 – 8:32 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by James Callum - March 30, 2024 – 8:40 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Jemima Greengrass - March 30, 2024 – 8:41 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Divona Dodderidge - March 30, 2024 – 8:43 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Elenora Brierley - March 30, 2024 – 8:47 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Maelstrom Crumb - March 30, 2024 – 9:22 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Persephone Broadmoor - March 30, 2024 – 9:26 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Pandora Foxglove - March 31, 2024 – 5:32 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Eurydice Lovegood - April 1, 2024 – 2:54 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Evangeline Rowle - April 2, 2024 – 3:25 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Irene Crawley - April 3, 2024 – 7:23 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Philomena Sprout - April 8, 2024 – 2:37 AM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Derek McKinnon - May 27, 2024 – 11:34 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Wystan Pomfrey - April 11, 2024 – 1:28 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Madeline Bell - April 11, 2024 – 7:28 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Fred Plunkett - April 11, 2024 – 6:57 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Madoc Yarwood - April 16, 2024 – 12:39 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Basil Foxwood - April 16, 2024 – 4:04 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Tess Whitby - April 22, 2024 – 10:44 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Seraphina Bythesea - April 23, 2024 – 12:00 AM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Laurel Potts - April 23, 2024 – 3:12 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Gregory Hart - April 28, 2024 – 4:38 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Hester Frey - May 14, 2024 – 2:19 AM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Benedict Hunter - May 23, 2024 – 10:09 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Catalina Flores - May 24, 2024 – 4:41 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Willa Kensington - May 27, 2024 – 10:46 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Declan Buchanan - May 28, 2024 – 2:16 AM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Harmony Gambol - May 28, 2024 – 12:06 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Desdemona Ravenswood - May 28, 2024 – 6:21 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Emerett Picardy - June 1, 2024 – 2:44 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Ephram Diggory - June 1, 2024 – 9:23 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Millie Potts - June 3, 2024 – 5:11 AM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Emmett Harper - June 21, 2024 – 10:30 PM
RE: Adoptable Characters - by Angie Swan - June 21, 2024 – 11:35 PM
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