Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Plottable Characters

Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD If, after six months, I don't think you're doing much with them (I have very lax standards, don't worry!), I reserve the right to ask you to give them up so someone more active may take them on.
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)

Last updated June 9th, 2024


Patriarch Algernon Rowle is a control freak in the extreme. In fact, he is such a control freak that he eventually just put all his children under the Imperius Curse so he wouldn’t have to worry about them ruining everything.

Unfortunately for him, he is in a coma following a stroke and the children are Awake Now. WHAT WILL THEY DO ONCE THEY PIECE TOGETHER WHAT HE HAS DONE?

Our Primary Cast
Robert Rowle | Philip Rowle | Seraphina Bythesea | Miranda Rowle | Edwin Rowle

Our Supporting Players
[Image: hzVZaux.jpg]
Merlin's beard, Iris should have been a boy. Oh, she doesn't want to play quidditch or wrestle or anything like that, but she has a sharp intellect and great ambitions that she expects her father to do everything in his power to quash. She pushes the line but doesn't quite cross it in any meaningful way, but grows more and more frustrated by the narrow mold her family expects her to fit into. PB is open, but should fit the family.


Immediate Ties: Robert Rowle Philippa Rowle Harriet Bythesea Forsythia Rowle Sybilla Rowle
Bonus Ties: Seraphina Bythesea Philip Rowle Edwin Rowle Alexandra Rowle Algernon Rowle
Potential Ties: Honoria Rookwood Charity Lloyd Lucy Tatting, other Hogwarts students & staff

[Image: XoN16fJ.jpg]
The firstborn son to a firstborn son, Esmond has known for as long as he can remember what is expected of him, and puts on an excellent front—when people who matter are looking. First to his nanny, and now to his governess, though, he is an absolute hellion prone to distruction, chaos, and general mischief. PB is open, but should fit the family.

Immediate Ties: Robert Rowle Forsythia Rowle Sybilla Rowle
Bonus Ties: Philip Rowle Philippa Rowle Alexandra Rowle Seraphina Bythesea Edwin Rowle Algernon Rowle Harriet Bythesea

Messages In This Thread
Plottable Characters - by Charming - January 28, 2018 – 4:31 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ezra Applegate - January 22, 2024 – 5:13 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Harley Fawcett - March 6, 2024 – 6:11 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Karina Dolohovna - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Christabel Daphnel - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Isis Silverthorne - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Murdock Greyback - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Meserimus Valenduris - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Blythe Fairchild - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Gwyn Conway - March 30, 2024 – 8:52 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Persephone Broadmoor - March 30, 2024 – 9:41 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Robert Rowle - April 1, 2024 – 3:25 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Hestia - April 3, 2024 – 7:28 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Clementine Greengrass - April 4, 2024 – 5:16 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Callum Spinnet - April 8, 2024 – 2:31 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Madoc Yarwood - April 16, 2024 – 12:18 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Gregory Hart - April 28, 2024 – 5:00 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Eugene Scamander - May 24, 2024 – 9:27 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Catalina Flores - May 25, 2024 – 2:00 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Willa Kensington - May 27, 2024 – 9:25 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ginevra Blackwood - May 28, 2024 – 8:26 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ephram Diggory - May 30, 2024 – 8:16 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Don Juan Dempsey - June 12, 2024 – 5:31 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Dionysus Quirke - June 18, 2024 – 7:15 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Daffodil Grimstone - June 21, 2024 – 10:39 PM
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