Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Plottable Characters

Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD If, after six months, I don't think you're doing much with them (I have very lax standards, don't worry!), I reserve the right to ask you to give them up so someone more active may take them on.
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)


Avalon Glen ("The Glen") is an unplottable patch of of land between two likewise unplottable mountains. It is not accessible via apparition, nor are any of the fireplaces hooked up tot he floo network (with the exception of the local pub, Smoke & Scale, and the Yarwood homes). Indeed, it is impossible to enter unless you already know where it is—and for good reason: in addition to the large manor house of the Yarwood family, patrons of the Glen as well as a nearby magical village, it is home to a dragon reservation for the native Welsh Greens, boasting anywhere from 5-10 keepers and, at last estimation, approximately 42 dragons.

Our Cast
Names, faces, and ethnicities are mostly open. Ages are mostly flexible!
[Image: kwkXrL4.jpg]
To Gwyn, Rhys was her first crush, first kiss. To Rhys, Gwyn was his first heartbreak. Today, they remain as friends, with Rhys pretending that it doesn't bother him when Gwyn tries to set him up with the village girls. The eldest of the Glynn children, it is expected that Rhys will take over the farm, a fate with which he is actually quite delighted. Unlike most of his siblings, he completed a full seven years at Hogwarts, going on to apprentice as a herbologist before bringing this knowledge home to aid the family endeavour. Pictured is Joe Dempsie.

Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Enid Glynn Isolde Glynn
Potential Connections: Nigel Yarwood

[Image: XoN16fJ.jpg]
There are three things Mr. Farris loves: magical creatures, Matilda (his only child, whom he is determined will marry one of the Yarwood boys), and good port. There are three things Mr. Farris loathes: the feeling of mud in his boots, critical book reviews, and women behaving in an unladylike fashion. Oh, he tolerates Gwendolyn Yarwood's riding astride her horse for she is otherwise an excellent hostess, and he wants access to the Glen for his research, but he doesn't like it. And he certainly doesn't like the little girl playing at being a dragonkeeper! PB is open but should be either white or East Asian.

Immediate Ties: Matilda Farris Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood
Potential Ties: Avery Davenport

[Image: zM4KVJf.jpg]
The eldest child of the late — Yarwood and his cousin, the great Gwendolyn Yarwood, Severus bears not only his family's name, but their expectations upon his shoulders, even though all he wants to do is play quidditch. He hardly ever goes to the Glen, preferring the comforts of Hogsmeade.

He has little doubt that he will inherit when his mother passes, but also she is formidable AF so he doubts very much that will happen anytime soon. Pictured PB is Jacob Elordi.

Immediate Ties: Madoc Yarwood Nigel Yarwood Matilda Farris
Potential Ties: Raphael Malfoy Theodore Gallivan Jack Humphrey-Mavis Arthur Pettigrew Mundungus MacFusty Anthony Alderton Yassine Bensouda Roberto Devine Owain Edwards Wallace Bixby Cassius Lestrange
Planting Seeds: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can), The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

Our Supporting Players
Almost everything is flexible!

[Image: eP56fLk.jpg]
Going exclusively by his last name (or at least, Gwyn assumes it's his last name), "Lamb" has been at the Glen from the start, but in spite of his seeming friendship with Madoc Yarwood, was not appointed Head Keeper. It doesn't seem to bother him too much, though he does have a bit of a temper on him that seems to worsen around his days off—which fall roughly as often as the full mooon... Pictured PB is Jason Clarke.

Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood Raj Sandow
Potential Ties: Enid Glynn Isolde Glynn Avery Davenport

[Image: U1zGWJh.jpg]
"Mari" is the only other female dragonkeeper. Rather than share a room like some of the male keepers, "Mari" and Gwyn are able to have (signifigantly smaller) single rooms—and Mari has made it clear that if another woman comes into the house, Gwyn will be moving, not her. "Mari" is rather tight-lipped about her family and history, but happy (enough) to chat otherwise. She knows her own mind and has a stubbornness that rivals both Howell and Gwyn. In spite of not having a formal education, "Mari" is an animagus—which counts as "history" and so she will not discuss it. Period. Suggested PB is Michelle Rodriguez.

Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood Raj Sandow
Potential Ties: Enid Glynn Isolde Glynn Avery Davenport

[Image: 6ush6i9.jpg]
"Aram" did not win points with his family when he decided to eschew the family business (architecture) in favour of dragonkeeping. His relationship with them, as a result, is strained (and his reputation a bit lower), with his mother constantly fretting that he is going to die and his father refusing to speak to him. "Aram" is incredibly capable. He is introverted, but not unfriendly, and is thought well of by both Madoc Yarwood and Mr. Farris. Pictured PB is Marcus Rutherford.


Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood Raj Sandow
Potential Ties: Enid Glynn Isolde Glynn Avery Davenport

[Image: eIpFSCW.jpg]
Owner and frequent barkeep at the Smoke & Scale, the pub with the distinction of possessing the only public Floo in all of Avalon Glen. Becasue of this, "Pryce" knows just about everyone in the Glen—as well as everything that goes on. Though not originally from the Glen, his (late) wife was, and he returned to her home village after her death of the Laughing Plague. What he did prior to that is up to the player, but he has a seemingly endless arsenal of unexpected skills. Suggested PB is Nick Offerman.

Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Enid Glynn Madoc Yarwood Raj Sandow Isolde Glynn Avery Davenport

mj is an artiste

Messages In This Thread
Plottable Characters - by Charming - January 28, 2018 – 4:31 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ezra Applegate - January 22, 2024 – 5:13 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Harley Fawcett - March 6, 2024 – 6:11 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Karina Dolohovna - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Christabel Daphnel - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Isis Silverthorne - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Murdock Greyback - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Meserimus Valenduris - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Blythe Fairchild - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Gwyn Conway - March 30, 2024 – 8:52 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Persephone Broadmoor - March 30, 2024 – 9:41 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Robert Rowle - April 1, 2024 – 3:25 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Hestia - April 3, 2024 – 7:28 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Clementine Greengrass - April 4, 2024 – 5:16 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Callum Spinnet - April 8, 2024 – 2:31 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Madoc Yarwood - April 16, 2024 – 12:18 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Gregory Hart - April 28, 2024 – 5:00 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Eugene Scamander - May 24, 2024 – 9:27 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Catalina Flores - May 25, 2024 – 2:00 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Willa Kensington - May 27, 2024 – 9:25 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ginevra Blackwood - May 28, 2024 – 8:26 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ephram Diggory - May 30, 2024 – 8:16 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Don Juan Dempsey - June 12, 2024 – 5:31 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Dionysus Quirke - June 18, 2024 – 7:15 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Daffodil Grimstone - June 21, 2024 – 10:39 PM
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