Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Plottable Characters
The Rebels
Christabel Daphnel

The Rebels know each other from school and their respective social circles.  They are close, companionable and all rather opposed to the status quo in their own way. 
They have 'English' names but may have chosen to 'Irish-ise' them which was the fashion among the Irish UC set at the time!

'Sorcha Ni Dochartaigh' '

b. 26 | UCAB | Painter | Society Wife | Suggested PB: Elinor Tomlinson

Her father is/was a prominent politician in Ireland, he is a liberal in support of home rule.  She was given a great deal of latitude and while she has done the 'right' thing socially and is either married or widowed but this just gives her the freedom to be as outspoken as she likes.  She is a painter of some note, specialising in magical society portraits but has a bee in her bonnet about her exclusion from the various painter academies despite being recognised as an exceptional and talented painter.  She did a notable magical portrait of someone of important (OPEN). 
Her schooling is open, but she had Christabel have known each other from girlhood. She is a little more agnostic about Ireland's position as independent of England but is part of the Celtic revival.  She liked Victor and thought marriage to him would be good for Christabel. 

'Padraig Mac Ruadhain '

b. 26 | UCAB | Writer| Heir | Suggested PB: Christian Cooke

An heir that is in danger of being a disappointment to his parents.  Despite being a staple of the establishment he has grown to be rather anti-establishment.  However, he is an only child and his father hates his own brother enough to not disown his son.  There was an expectation that he might excel in politics or in the ministry however he hasn't the tact to make much of a go of that.  What he is is bright and an excellent writer with an ability to write deeply persuasive texts.  His writing might very well be considered seditious by the more staid members upper echelons of society as it talks a lot of gender and class equality but it's popular among younger and more liberal UC and of course the WC and MC who are encouraged by it.  Think a social problem novelist, with better connections than Dickens. 
He does believe in Ireland's independence, and is considering making a run for a new parliament in Dublin if it appears - mostly to make a point, but is aiming for the Wizengemot first.  He and Christabel have been friends since before puberty.  He encourages some of her worst traits of rebelliousness and being outspoken.

Sadhbh Rua

b. 26 | UCAB | Painter | Most traditional| Suggested PB: Crystal Clarke

Set apart all her life by her ethnicity, Sadhbh for a long time wanted desperately to fit in and as such has mastered every womanly art to a degree that would make Olivia Pendergast sit up and take note.  However, she was jilted shortly after her debut by a man who cited her ethnicity as an impediment but she considers herself British and found that the worst part of the snub - that he didn't consider her British enough to marry.  She may have made another match but she now see's her ethnicity as a badge of honor and not something she should count against her.  Her paintings feature ethnicity as a prominent theme. 

She attends the Hermetic order with Christabel because she thinks rich white muggles pretending to do African and Middle Eastern magic is hilarious. 

The Kindred Spirit
Casimir Markievicz


b. 30+ | UCAB | Poet and Lawyer | Temper for a Firebrand | Suggested PB: Ewan McGregor

So as his names suggests he is based on a real person- but his played name is open. He was a second son, and in true Victorian style he trained in the law, as it was expected that he would need to 'do' something. His relationship with the law and legal practice is open but he is also a painter and playwrite. This is his true passion.

He is liberal in his views, supporting women's vote and favoring equality of ethnicity and class. He is a trade union supporter and a theoretical socialist. He had an elder brother who died and as a result of the death he became the heir which has allowed him to indulge his passion for writing and producing artistic ventures.  He is one of the friend group, and tried to talk Christabel out of marrying on the basis it wasn't right for her.  He may have a mistress, asylum wife and/or illegitimate children.  This is who he is based on

Messages In This Thread
Plottable Characters - by Charming - January 28, 2018 – 4:31 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ezra Applegate - January 22, 2024 – 5:13 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Harley Fawcett - March 6, 2024 – 6:11 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Karina Dolohovna - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Christabel Daphnel - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Isis Silverthorne - March 30, 2024 – 8:23 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Murdock Greyback - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Meserimus Valenduris - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Blythe Fairchild - March 30, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Gwyn Conway - March 30, 2024 – 8:52 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Persephone Broadmoor - March 30, 2024 – 9:41 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Robert Rowle - April 1, 2024 – 3:25 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Hestia - April 3, 2024 – 7:28 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Clementine Greengrass - April 4, 2024 – 5:16 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Callum Spinnet - April 8, 2024 – 2:31 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Madoc Yarwood - April 16, 2024 – 12:18 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Gregory Hart - April 28, 2024 – 5:00 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Eugene Scamander - May 24, 2024 – 9:27 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Catalina Flores - May 25, 2024 – 2:00 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Willa Kensington - May 27, 2024 – 9:25 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ginevra Blackwood - May 28, 2024 – 8:26 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Ephram Diggory - May 30, 2024 – 8:16 PM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Don Juan Dempsey - June 12, 2024 – 5:31 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Dionysus Quirke - June 18, 2024 – 7:15 AM
RE: Plottable Characters - by Daffodil Grimstone - June 21, 2024 – 10:39 PM
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