"One," Lucy said. "But I don't think he's interested in the shop." Neither was Rowan, as far as Lucy could tell, which, she had to admit, was saddening. In an ideal world, Lucy thought she would have liked to grow up to be like her mother and aunt--running the shop alongside her sister. She didn't think it would happen, though. "I want to take over the shop, eventually."
Lucy thought it would be polite to ask an equivalent sort of question of Miss Burroughs, but she wasn't really sure how to phrase it. "Do you have plans for what you want to do after school?" she asked. "Or--well, I suppose it is still a few years off." For her part, Lucy doubted she would stay on past OWLs. As much as she liked school, there wasn't much need for it.
Lucy thought it would be polite to ask an equivalent sort of question of Miss Burroughs, but she wasn't really sure how to phrase it. "Do you have plans for what you want to do after school?" she asked. "Or--well, I suppose it is still a few years off." For her part, Lucy doubted she would stay on past OWLs. As much as she liked school, there wasn't much need for it.