Dear Millie,
You make a very fine point for sleeves, I shall certainly consider it. At the very least you must have sleeves for your gown. You may even tell your mother I've insisted upon it. Allthough if you do not care for the sleeves then by all means you may tell her I've insisted on whatever you've set your heart on.
I had heard similar rumors when I was a student. Perhaps we ought to ask our parents? Or if not them then perhaps Professor Ruskin or Professor Valendurus might know?
It is bright and cheerful, despite the lack of windows. And you can always smell the delicious food from the kitchens. We used to sneak after classes and snag some biscuits to tide us over until supper. I am bias, but the Hufflepuff rooms were my favorite in the castle.
Stay out of trouble,
Pretties by Bee <3