The look on Alvin's face made her ache. She considered him for a moment, her head tilting to the side. There had to be something that might help him. A small glimmer of an idea nudged into her consciousness and slowly she considered it, making sure to test the curves of it, feeling if it might work. "Perhaps you might write?" It always soothed her. And based on what she knew of famous authors it might sooth him as well as they had dealt with worlds of woe that Lottie had never braved. She imagined even a letter to Sloane might help. Merlin help her, but if she ever lost one of her siblings she would write. She wasn't sure, but she thought writing helped Christabel too in the months since her husband had died.
Perfect Lottie vibes courtsey of MJ <3
Perfect Lottie vibes courtsey of MJ <3