Reg couldn’t help but laugh, knowing damn well that his brother probably loved having a woman (especially one as pretty as Miss Malfoy) swoon on him. Anthony always did like playing the knight in shining armor, although it looked like it worked out for him this go around. “I promise not to tell anyone if you don’t want me to.” Reg’s grin edged wider, but he meant it. If she was going to be his (maybe? hopefully?) sister-in-law, it was important she at least liked him. Or maybe it was important that he liked her, not that Miss Victoire had given him any reason not to like her.
Blue eyes blinked down at his pants, the bottom of his right leg rimmed with wetness before he chuckled nervously. “My sock is soaking wet, and my pants are a little wet, but nothing that won’t dry before the end of the night.” The sock would be the worst part, but he could take it off… perhaps conjure up a drying spell and put it back on, but Reg wasn’t about to do that in front of the lady. He’d just live with it.
Blue eyes blinked down at his pants, the bottom of his right leg rimmed with wetness before he chuckled nervously. “My sock is soaking wet, and my pants are a little wet, but nothing that won’t dry before the end of the night.” The sock would be the worst part, but he could take it off… perhaps conjure up a drying spell and put it back on, but Reg wasn’t about to do that in front of the lady. He’d just live with it.