A second ago Ozymandias had been annoyed at the outcome of this conversation (even though he had shaped the course of it just as much or even more than she had); now he was annoyed that she did not seem to notice or care that he was annoyed.
"It's not meant to be fun," he said almost petulantly as he turned his attention back to looking for his pocket watch. "It's meant to be art. Everyone sits still and pays attention to the stage and then applauds politely on all their cues. And afterwards they congratulate each other for being so cultured." The you won't like it signal could not be flashing any more clearly or brightly in his description.
"It's not meant to be fun," he said almost petulantly as he turned his attention back to looking for his pocket watch. "It's meant to be art. Everyone sits still and pays attention to the stage and then applauds politely on all their cues. And afterwards they congratulate each other for being so cultured." The you won't like it signal could not be flashing any more clearly or brightly in his description.
MJ is the light of my life <3