4 January, 1893
I know it shouldn't have been a letter. I thought since I'd gone so long not talking about it I might as well wait until after winter was over, because it seemed like it wasn't going to make any difference while I was gone, but
I know it shouldn't have been a letter. I thought since I'd gone so long not talking about it I might as well wait until after winter was over, because it seemed like it wasn't going to make any difference while I was gone, but
(should he tell her about the letter that he'd written to Jo?)
I should have found the time to bring it up.
I understand, I think, about not wanting to see how I reacted. I don't want things to be difficult either. That's probably the same reason why I didn't tell you about Jo's daughter in the first place. I was
I understand, I think, about not wanting to see how I reacted. I don't want things to be difficult either. That's probably the same reason why I didn't tell you about Jo's daughter in the first place. I was
(how to explain it?)
worried that you'd be worried, I suppose. But when I realized you knew and hadn't told me I thought — this sounds insane now but I thought maybe you were worried that it was mine even though it couldn't have been. So I thought you didn't trust me. Or... maybe that you were trying to trust me but having trouble with it.
Anyway. We'll talk about it soon. I'm due home the last week of February.
PS: When you say "O doesn't sleep" I hope you mean in the same way he was already not sleeping, and not that he's gotten any worse since I've been gone — because Merlin, Z, if he'd gotten worse let's hire another nurse and put you up in one of the main resort rooms for a few nights. They're all empty anyway; the Fudges wouldn't mind.
Anyway. We'll talk about it soon. I'm due home the last week of February.
PS: When you say "O doesn't sleep" I hope you mean in the same way he was already not sleeping, and not that he's gotten any worse since I've been gone — because Merlin, Z, if he'd gotten worse let's hire another nurse and put you up in one of the main resort rooms for a few nights. They're all empty anyway; the Fudges wouldn't mind.
MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER