July, 14. 1892
Ms. Smith,
I am delighted you enjoyed it! There is such a sense of accomplishment in sharing one's research with a colleague; should you ever wish me to return the favor, I am at your service.
As it stands, I've a few things that have been published since. I've attached them herein. One of these you will note has a co-author in one Ms. Ida Chang. She has just graduated from Hogwarts this year and is one of the most brilliant pupils I've had the pleasure of teaching. She will be starting at Flint in the fall, and frankly, she's become my right hand. I'd love to introduce the two of you the next time you are in London. I think you may well find an excellent resource in her, and she a mentor in you.
While we are on the topic, I should be thrilled to meet lest you find yourself available in this hemisphere sometime soon. I thank you again for sending the note on my behalf and await any response eagerly.
B. Foxwood
B. Foxwood
[Attached find a printed copy of several academic publishings, one of which is entitled "Transfiguration Magic and its use in Hexes and Jinxs over the last century." ]
Jupiter Smith (FYI Ida Chang )