24th July, 1892 — Headquarters of the London Society for the Practice of Combative Magic
The Investigation department really must not have enough taxing work to do, if this was the sort of activity they all chose to do on their day off.
Nor did pitting an employee against his superior seem an entirely sensible idea to Evander, but who was he to judge? (Well. He was in fact here to judge.) Hopefully there was no rancour between them. After the rules, then, Evander stepped back and bade Mr. Scrimgeour begin.
Nor did pitting an employee against his superior seem an entirely sensible idea to Evander, but who was he to judge? (Well. He was in fact here to judge.) Hopefully there was no rancour between them. After the rules, then, Evander stepped back and bade Mr. Scrimgeour begin.
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