February 1, 2021 – 4:15 PM
Justin Ross — Played by Beanie
Elinor Goyle: Emerett Picardy called and he'd like some face time.
Morwenna Skeeter: OK, well, let's see: I'd rather set fire to my vulva, so that's a no.
Justin Ross: Jesus Christ. You know, you do your best, you try to serve the people, and then they just fuck you over.
Balthazar Urquart: Yep.
Ross: And you know why? Because they're ignorant and they're dumb as shit. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is democracy.
Edric Umbridge: Macmillan! Hey, listen, settle something for me: You like to have sex and you like to travel? Then you can fuck off.
February 3, 2021 – 5:13 PM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
Yes, most of these are not my characters. No, I cannot be stopped.
Cash: My father’s a good guy, you know, if you ignore everything that he does on purpose and concentrate on all of the things that he does by accident.
Fortitude Greengrass: Every time you get dressed remember that, if you die, that’s your ghost outfit forever.
Aldous Crouch: What am I going to do with you, Ben?! I don’t want to say this is a new low because every time I do, you take it as a personal challenge!
Charles Macmillan: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
February 3, 2021 – 7:14 PM
Last modified: February 3, 2021 – 7:16 PM by Ailsa Fraser.
Ailsa Fraser — Played by Lauren
I <3 my MJ ships.
Kristoffer Lestrange: Send dudes.
Beatrix: You mean nudes?
Kris: No, I'm in a fight and I need help.
Temperance: I've been dropping subtle hints that I like him.
Conall MacKay: *walks in*
Temperance: Go away.
Ailsa: I promised the children we wouldn't do anything stupid.
Ewart Fraser: Why would you lie to them like that?
oh MJ mama likes ;)
February 6, 2021 – 1:50 AM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
Essentially Cash in
Bad Trip
MJ made this!
February 6, 2021 – 1:55 AM
J. Alfred Darrow — Played by Lynn
Charity Lloyd: Are you religious?
Evander Darrow: Yes. I pray nightly that you'll stop asking me questions.
MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
February 7, 2021 – 5:42 AM
Reuben Crouch — Played by Lynn
Ben: Will you stop questioning everything I do?!
Aldous Crouch: Well, everything you do is questionable.
MJ made this <3
February 7, 2021 – 7:02 AM
Bella Scrimgeour — Played by Bree
Quote:Evander Darrow: I am, as the kids say, awake.
J. Alfred Darrow: Don’t you mean woke?
Evander: Yes, but that’s grammatically incorrect.
Quote:Dionisia: So wait, Alfred kissed you and you said ‘thank you?’
@"Zelda Fisk": Yes.
Dionisia: Well, that was very polite.
Quote:Arthur Pettigrew : Lach?
Lachlan: *sigh* Fallon used to call me Lach.
Arthur: Because it’s your fucking name.
Quote:Helga: Why is helping someone hide a body the standard for true friendship? Look, if you’re in trouble, I’ll lie to the cops for you. I’ll dispose of evidence. Whatever. But please I am begging you, do not make me dig a hole. That sounds so hard.
Quote:Bella: Before you judge me for doing something dumb, keep in mind that I have one brain cell and she’s alone in there.
Bella: It’s dark and scary, show some compassion, she’s trying her best.
February 9, 2021 – 5:23 PM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
Quote:Ari Fisk: Zelda, shhhh. Do you know what that sound is?
Zelda: What is it?
Ari: That was the sound of my patience shattering into a billion pieces.
Quote:Arthur: It’s been a tough year
Bella Scrimgeour: It’s the first week of February.
Arthur: Your point?
Quote:Ari: Yesterday I overheard Dionisia Fisk saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Zelda replying “Trust me.” and I have never moved from one room to another so fast in my life.
Quote:Fortitude Greengrass: I have edge
Noble: You really don’t. You are literally the most wide eyed person I’ve ever seen. You have the face of a cartoon lamb.
MJ made this!
February 14, 2021 – 3:48 AM
Last modified: February 14, 2021 – 4:03 AM by Bella Scrimgeour.
Bella Scrimgeour — Played by Bree
Quote:Lachlan: You know what you can get by nearly freezing to death while also dying of blood loss? The ability to withstand the cold, I love the winter time.
Arthur Pettigrew: We're getting you a therapist.
Quote:Charity: I've never been in a snowball fight before, what are the rules?
J. Alfred Darrow: What??
Charity: Like, is there a points system? Or is it to the death?
Quote:Holly Scrimgeour: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you want to see something that’s both alive and dead you can talk to me any time of the day.
#I don't even go here but w/e
Quote:Fitzroy Prewett: When I was young, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it.
@"Camilla Zabini": You're kind of proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations
Quote:Louisa Clearwater: You may not like to hear this, but Charity got into a fight.
Evander Darrow: Oh, jeez, that's terrible!
Alfred: Did she win?
Quote:Bella: Mama didn't raise a quitter but she did raise a fool and it turns out that's a horrible combination.
February 16, 2021 – 11:30 PM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
New Girl quotes, but they're all Nick Miller:
Quote:Reuben Crouch, when Art mentioned Bella: I don't deal with exes. They're part of the past. You burn 'em swiftly, and you give their ashes to Poseidon.
Quote:Arthur: If we needed to talk about feelings, they would be called "Talkings."
Quote:Arthur, Ben, Fitzroy Prewett, any time, any thread: Well, here's the good news, lad. We have a solution. It's God's gift to man: It's alcohol.
MJ made this!
February 23, 2021 – 3:36 AM
Last modified: February 23, 2021 – 3:38 AM by Julian Fisk.
Julian Fisk — Played by Bree
Quote:Dionisia: I started seeing someone.
Ari Fisk: As in dating or hallucinations?
Quote:*Lester teaching Cameron how to drive*
Lester Hatchitt: Okay, you're driving and Sloane and Ned walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Cameron: Definitely Edison Moony". I would never hurt Sloane Bixby.
Lester: The breaks, Cam. You hit the breaks.
Quote:Arthur Pettigrew: So apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually just severe psychological distress.
Quote:Royal Pyrites: Hey, we're friends, right?
Eldin: Normally, I'd say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it.
Quote:Arthur Pettigrew: Everything will be alright.
Reuben Crouch: How can you say that?
Art: Because sometimes when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Art: Also Aldous Crouch just got here.
Quote:J. Alfred Darrow: Evander has strong opinions on everything. Try asking him something no one should have an opinion on.
Charity: Hey Uncle Evander, what's the worst multiple of 6?
Evander Darrow: 54, obviously.
Quote:Ari Fisk: I know you snuck out last night, Zelda.
@"Zelda Fisk", internally: Play dumb!
Zelda: Who's Zelda?
Zelda, internally: Not that dumb!
— gorgeous set by MJ<3 —
February 28, 2021 – 4:58 PM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
Cash: I have a confession. I had a bad childhood.
Fortitude Greengrass: Yeah, I know.
Cash: What do you mean, you know?
Ford: Look at how you stand. People with good childhoods don't stand like that.
Cash: Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?
Theodore Gallivan: Go ahead.
Cash: Be careful. Don't die.
Theo: Great. We're all bloody inspired.
Kieran: Am I going too far?
@"Fallon Abernathy": No, no, no. You went too far seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Kieran: Can you do me a weird favor without asking any questions?
Jude Wright: Isn't that the bedrock upon which this friendship was founded?
A little if it was 2021, as a treat:
Arthur: Most people that meet me do not know that I am bi.
Reuben Crouch: Art, dead people know you're bi.
MJ made this!