But it's what we've got... so we'll make the best of it
Cause we're gonna live forever, like Peter pan
Second star to the right, on to neverland
Late Afternoon; March 22nd, 1890 — Alfred's Flat, London
J. Alfred Darrow
J. Alfred Darrow
Despite having only known Alfred for just under two months, Jo felt a tenderness for her friend she generally reserved only for Saturn and Holsten. He was frighteningly easy to talk to and was accepting of generally anything she had to say. Even where he dissented with her opinions the conversation wasn't heated or otherwise frustrating, it was simply a debate between friends. It was a friendship Jo wasn't keen on losing.
The week of silence that passed between them set her nerves on edge. Every day that a note from him didn't arrive she turned her attentions to the two sealed envelopes on her nightstand and wondered once more if she ought to post them. Not that Zelda deserved any sort of goodbye from someone as kind as Alfred, not when she had left him to die without any information as to when. To live with a noose around one's neck — a definitive how but no when was a fate worse than death itself. Even now, knowing Alfred was going to live and was fine, Jo still felt the pressing weight of fury at her friend.
Alfred deserved better.
Upon receiving his note, Jo abandoned her plans for aimless wandering and floo'd directly to his flat. Hopefully his roommate wouldn't be in the living room, as that would be mighty awkward.