Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Incorrect Charming Quotes
Quote:Bella: It’s impossible to know when the middle of my life is, so I’ve decided to have an ongoing crisis.

Quote:Literally Anyone: is this the part where you tell me that if I hurt her you’ll kill me?
Edric: no, if you hurt Miss Lynch, she is perfectly capable of killing you herself. With a variety of weapons.

These aren't even my characters but they're perf:
Quote:Zelda, after she has messed up: I know I messed up badly this time, but Ari, please don’t be mad at me!
Ari: I am not angry.
Zelda: Oh, thank god-
Ari: I am disappointed.
Zelda: OH NO, GOD-

I headcanon that Handsome and Munny are still friends w/ Tris since they were dormies so >.>
Quote:Munny: I put the laughter in manslaughter
Handsome: I put the fun in funeral
Ernie: I put the D in Michaud
Tris: *chokes on the water he was drinking*

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   Cassius Lestrange, Elsie Kirke, Roberto Devine

set by MJ!
Kieran, to Ernie: When I was your age I had a really skinny ponytail and I think I was living off of selling my own blood.

The following 1 user Likes Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Edric Umbridge

MJ made this!
Ben: This has been a rough year for me. I was dumped by Ellory, then by Bella. I opened myself up to love, and was hurt badly. My neighbor put a lock on their shed.
Dezzie: Off topic.
Ben: So I've decided to give up on women and invest all that energy in: tomatoes!
Art: It was on us for thinking this wouldn't be stupid.
Dezzie: I'm just glad he's not trying to sell us something.

The following 2 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Edric Umbridge

MJ made this!
saw this in a tweet and

Porphyria: Murder me in the library of a haunted mansion during a thunderstorm or don't waste my fucking time.

The following 4 users Like Elias Grimstone's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Avril Lukeson, Nora Abercrombie, Roberto Devine

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Quote:Female Professor: (comes out of a room holding an antique bottle) Hey, is this whiskey or perfume?
Woopy: (grabs the bottle, drinks all of it) It's perfume.
Professor, slightly horrified: It was.

The following 2 users Like Acacia Darlington's post:
   Avril Lukeson, Thomas Tilcott

Magic by Elaine!

Quote:Thomas Tilcott: Why didn’t you tell me?
Rufus Bixby: Because of your tendency to overreact.
Thomas Tilcott, stabbing the table with a knife in a fit of anger: I do NOT overreact!

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   Rufus Bixby

[Image: m69xJUo.jpg]

Quote:Sweetie: You’re really campaigning for Asshole of the year, aren’t you?
Handsome: As defending champion, are you nervous?

Quote:Acacia, having not slept for four days, vibrating: But how can people not like water??? Water makes up 75% of the body!!!  Do you think it’s like some form of low self-esteem???   How can you reject something that you actively require to live??  There has to be some conspiracy to unearth here and I am going to find it. How have humans evolved to despise the one substance they need to keep them alive?
Chrysanta, on her thirteenth coffee in under 2 hours: ...Yes

Quote:Camille: Looks like it's going to be another hot day.
Holly: Yes, good practice for hell.

Quote:Odette: Try not to mess things up, okay?
Mireille: Since when do I ever mess things up?
Odette: Do you want your list in chronological or alphabetical order?

The following 3 users Like Acacia Darlington's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Avril Lukeson, Cassius Lestrange

Magic by Elaine!

Quote:Bella: Dear life, when I asked if my day could get worse, it was a rhetorical question, not a challenge.

Quote:Maeve: [Answers her phone] Hello?
Finnian: It's Finnian.
Maeve: What did he do this time?
Finnian: No, it's me, Finnian, it's actually me.
Maeve: ...What did you do this time?

Quote:Literally anyone at this point: What’s wrong with you?
Bella: Off the top of my head, I’d say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.

Quote:Cash: What's wrong with Whitledge?
Munny: He doesn't handle alcohol very well.
Handsome: *Running down the hall* I'm gonna steal the Declaration of Independence!

The following 2 users Like Edric Umbridge's post:
   Cassius Lestrange, Katherine Midford

set by MJ!
Quote:Cora: I'm cold.
Bella: Here, have my jacket.
Regina: I'm cold too.
Bella: Want me to set you on fire?

Quote:Warwick: Come on Mathias!
Mathias: I don’t want to go outside. There are people there.

Quote:Woopy: I'm afraid of heights.
Phineas: Lucky you're short then.

Quote:Camille: Have a good day.
Holly: Don't tell me what to do.

Quote:Camille: I don’t want to hurt their feelings!
Holly: Hurt their feel- Do you just walk around all day, thinking about other people’s feelings?
Camille: Yeah, don’t you?
Holly: No! How do you get anything done?

Quote:Mireille: That was my sarcastic voice.
Odette: You know, it sounds a lot like your regular voice.
Mireille: I've been told that.

Quote:Everyone: Are you drunk?!
Handsome: Is drunk when your body is a marshmallow and your head feels like a bowling ball?

Quote:Ace: Don’t do anything dangerous!
Avril: You and I both know that’s asking too much.

Quote:Ambrosia: Why are your shoes wet?
Nectar: There was a puddle.
Ambrosia: And why did you step in it?
Nectar: …It was a puddle.

Quote:Odette to Durant: I may appear calm but in my head I’ve killed you like 3 times.

Quote:Juniper: This is the worst day ever.
Andrew: Is it because society hates you?
Juniper: No, because it’s a little humid YES IT’S BECAUSE SOCIETY HATES ME!

Quote:Acacia: Remember murder is never the answer.
Chrysanta: Murder is the question.
Sweetie: And the answer is always yes.

Quote:Hestia: I’m friendly, I’m loyal, I’m energetic, I... I just described a dog, didn’t I?
Artemis: Well, yeah, but people love dogs.

The following 3 users Like Acacia Darlington's post:
   Edric Umbridge, Katherine Midford, Quincey Honeyduke

Magic by Elaine!

Some Immie/Immac quotes!

Immie: I sent good vibes your way. They're coming. There's nothing you can do to stop them.
Amelia Evans: That is the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up, but it worked!

"Come over, Amelia and I are having a tea party - and by tea party, I mean we're drinking whisky from tea cups!"
-- A note from Immie to Ruth Lockhart

Immie: Having a dog is expensive.
Immie: The food...
Immie: The vet...
Immie: The Halloween costumes.

Immie: Merry Kissme!
Malcolm MacFusty: Merry Christmas, you mean?
Immie: No, that was an order.

Immie: Please? For me?
Mac: Don't do that.
Immie: Do what?
Mac: You think every time you say "Please? For me?" I'll do whatever you want. Well, not this time.
Immie: -busts out the puppy dog eyes- Please? For me?
Mac: Okay.

Immie: Wow. You know every one of my stories.
Mac: And you know every one of mine. I guess it's official: We're an old married couple.
Immie: Nice!
Mac: We did it!
Immac: -high fives-

The following 3 users Like Imogen MacFusty's post:
   Azazel, Cassius Lestrange, Elsie Kirke

Please send all alerts to Imogen MacFusty, thank you! <3
[Image: KZfEaXN.png]
graphics made by the talented MJ
Quote:Tristan: If you can't handle me at my worst then leave because I don't have a best, I'm always awful.

The following 2 users Like Tristan Michaud's post:
   Flora Mulciber, Ophelia Devine

[Image: fbG6udO.png][Image: AnQ1s0Z.png][Image: IVbwHN.png]
Some Irvingly expedition/fog-themed ones!

Bella, explaining she's going on the expedition:
Quote:Bella: If I die, at least I'm dying doing something I love.
Mac: What would that be, Miss Scrimgeour?
Bella: Dying.
Mac: *concerned dad noises*

Group A, probably:
Quote:Eavan: If we’re gonna make it out, we’re gonna need an illogical solution. A truly dumb idea.

[Everyone looks at Finnian]

meanwhile, in Group F:
Quote:Kenton to Bella: What's your name again, I forgot...
Kenton to Bella: It starts with a B, doesn't it? Is it, uh......
Kenton to Bella:
Kenton to Bella: Bitch?
Bella: *offended hissing*

set by MJ!
Quote:Acacia: Imagine if someone handed you a box of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
Regina: Wow, my childhood innocence!
Sweetie: And my will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Nectar: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Ace: Mental stability, my old friend!
Acacia: Guys, could you lighten up a little?

Quote:Handsome: See, you're always saying there's something wrong with society, maybe there's something wrong with you?
Sweetie: If it's me, then society made me that way.

Quote:Holly: I don't have anger issues.
Calla: You pushed your betrothed out of a moving carriage and yelled "you're out of the gang!"
Camille: Now in hindsight that does seem a little rash.
Holly: Yeah, it was a bit of a snap decision.

How Bella probably sees her and Regina's relationship:
Quote:Bella: oh complain, complain. You know, when life gives you lemons-

Quote:Ace: Here's what I know about women: they confuse and terrify me.

Quote:Future!February: First impressions are very important.
Future!Edric: But you married me anyway.

The following 3 users Like Acacia Darlington's post:
   Avril Lukeson, Edric Umbridge, February Umbridge

Magic by Elaine!

Watson: I'm pretty sure Porphyria Dempsey has actually killed a man.

The following 3 users Like Watson Devereaux's post:
   Elias Grimstone, February Umbridge, Gabriel Urquart

To Say: “I am Lazarus, come from the dead,
Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all” --

deep quote code by Soph ♥
Quote:Jamie: For the next 72 hours we’re going to live off whatever nature sends our way. See that stream? That’s our drinking water. See those berries? That’s our breakfast.
Bella: See that skeleton? That’s our future.

Quote:Bella: Every family has that one child who can do no wrong.
Bella: I am not that child.

Quote:Bella: Jamie, how can I get back on your good side?
Jamie: It’s gonna take about three weeks of not talking to me.

Quote:Mac: If the house was on fire and you could only take one thing, what would it be?
Bella: A nap.
Mac: Bella no.

Quote:Febby: I want a divorce!
Edric: We’re not even married!

Quote:Handsome: I love you.
Munny: Is that you or the vodka talking?
Handsome: It's me talking to the vodka.

Quote:Finny: Can I ask a dumb question?
Maeve: Better than anyone I know.

Quote:Kieran: don’t have energy for this
Ernie: for what
Kieran: *gestures vaguely*

The following 1 user Likes Edric Umbridge's post:
   Elsie Kirke

set by MJ!
Jude to Kieran: it’s a good thing our relationship is based on anger, because there’s always more fucking kindling

MJ made this!

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