Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Incorrect Charming Quotes
(All of these are from Trying. Pls watch Trying.)

Evander Darrow, to J. Alfred Darrow: You never do anything by the book and it always works out.
Evander: I do everything by the book and it never works out.
Evander: Oh my god, did I buy the wrong bloody book?!

Delilah Warbeck: Just be yourself.
@"Jemima Farley": No. Nooooo. No one should be themselves until they know it's safe. Be someone else until they like you, then become yourself gradually, so you don't scare them off.

Kristoffer Lestrange: Don't be a pushover.
Frida Lestrange: Why is that an insult? Maybe the problem is with the people pushing us over.

Brynn Rosier (on her wedding day): In fact, I'd say I've never been happier. My parents are so proud. I'm finally back in the family newsletter!
Brynn: One of my cousins thought I'd died.

[in the 1850s, around Lowri's first pregnancy]
Eamon, to Lowri Dempsey: Hey hey, I've got some post-partum gifts! I got a new journal; and I found us Shelley's Ode to the West Wind. I feel... well, I mean, one assumes we'll be in a Shelley place.

not actually sure how well this fits the characters but #yolo it was too good an exchange not to include
Fitzroy Prewett: Look, I know I'm a bad person, but it's because of what happened to me.
Arthur Pettigrew: What do you mean, what happened to you?
Fitz: Nothing. Nothing bad has ever happened to me.
Art: Oh my goodness, mate, I'm so sorry, you should have said. When did this not happen?
Fitz: No; nothing bad happening can be ruinous to a person. I went to this AA meeting, and everyone there had reasons for their mistakes. I haven't got any! I'm just an arsehole!
Fitz: Feel free to interrupt.

The following 5 users Like Elias Grimstone's post:
   Brynn Rosier, Delilah Warbeck, Faustus Prewett, Noble Greengrass, Ozymandias Dempsey

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Repurposing some of the old ones I posted, bringing in some new ones and also just reposting some of my faves cause I want to.

Lowri Dempsey: You've been avoiding me.
Porphyria Dempsey: What? No.
LOWRI: You have the same look on your face as you did when you were ten and put Oz's favourite frog in the microwave.
PHYRI: I never pressed start.

Mabel Brighton: Since it's come to this, I'm going to find out everything about this guy. and if he's an asshole, I'm going to punch him!
Dorian Fisk: And if he ends up being a decent guy?
MABEL: I'll punch him gently!

Tilda MacFusty: well, I didn’t break the window. That was done by a man in a black trench coat with a hat. The same man who attacked me when I tried to stop him stealing the book.
Eugene Scamander: He attacked you?
TILDA: I disturbed him and he ran off with the book. I gave chase and he took a shot at me. So I did the only thing I could in the circumstances.
EUGENE: you called for help...?
TILDA: I stabbed him in the shoulder.

Thomas Harvey: It's our investigative office there, how do you not remember your own phone number?
Barnabas Beck:I put it under...
Thomas: Oh, my gosh. It's 555-0135.
Barbie: How do you remember our phone number?
Thomas: It's a part of the Fibonacci sequence, how do you not remember it?
Barbie: What did you just say to me?
Thomas: Fibonacci.
Barbie: You take that back!

Lowri: Porphyria’s at that age when a young girl has only one thing on her mind.
Socialite: Boys?
Porphyria: Homicide.

Eamon Dempsey. Hey, hey: [bringing the pyjamas from the bed, presenting them to her] these are pyjamas; they're to sleep in; you're to climb into them, you understand?
Lowri: [taking them, is a little tipsy] Thank you.
Eamon. And you do your sleeping on the couch, see?-not on the bed, not on the chair: on the couch; is that clear?
Lowri. Do you know my favorite poem?
Eamon. Ah, you already recited that for me. [He goes to get some blankets from the bed].
Lowri [as he lays them out on the ottoman] I refuse a rose from a couch of snows. In the Acroceraunian mountains. Keats.
Eamon. Shelley.
Lowri. Keats!
Eamon. If you just keep your mind off the poetry and on the pyjamas, everything'll be alright; see?
Lowri. It's Keats.
Eamon. I'll be- it's Shelley. I'll be back in about ten minutes.
Lowri [to his back as he goes to the door] Keats.

Agrimony Macnair: So, how have you been?
Basil Foxwood: Fine. Except for this headache. Comes and goes.
Gus Lissington: -enters the room-
Basil: Oh look, there it is.

Ben: Pfft, Ari and I don't have pet names for each other, we're cool.
Garrett: -unconvinced- Um, sure. Okay... Ben, what do bees make?
Ben: Honey?
Ari, from the other room: Yes, love?

Lycoris Dempsey: I'm having problems with a guy.
Porphyria: Like “his dead body won’t fit in your car” problems or “you like him” problems?
Lycoris: “I like him” problems.
Porphyria: Too bad, I would have actually helped you with the other one.

Ben: If I run and jump at Ari, he will almost definitely catch me.
Ben: *runs at Ari*
Ari: *drops the coffee to catch Ben*

Ari: You have to pick your battles.
Ben: I am! I'm picking all of them!

Clarissa Cosgrove You posted this one a while back not knowing who it might fit and I think I found a match
Christabel: -twirls in dark attire- how do I look?
Ozymandias Dempsey: Like a widow in mourning.
Christa: Perfect! He'll know I'm available!

Faustus Prewett: You guys do realize how insane this is, right?
Benedict Sterling: Yes.
@"Fallon Hatchitt": You call it insane, we call it Tuesday.
Faustus: It's Thursday.
Ben: Is it really?

This is a song and I didn't remember if we had a thread for that, so I'm posting here:

I was listening to Doja Cat and the song You Right (ft. The Weeknd) is so Thomula (Thom Pettigrew & Ursula Black )

Quote:You right, I got my guy
But I, I, can't help it, I want you

Quote:I can't stop and look the other way
'Cause I know what could be, babe
And you never feel the same
You'd be thinkin' 'bout it every day
Don't believe in fairytales, but we got our fantasies

The following 2 users Like Jasper Daphnel [Soph]'s post:
   Thom Pettigrew, Ursula Black
Cash: Do you ever tell someone a casual fact about your childhood and then realize that fact is anything but casual

The following 4 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Elias Grimstone, Faustus Prewett, Fortitude Greengrass, Seneca Lestrange

MJ made this!
A couple more from Trying, and one from WWDITS?

Trystan: The rings were my favourite part. I love a big gesture. It was the little gestures I couldn't do.
Ambrosia: What, like not having an affair?

Noble Greengrass: Three years ago I thought we were going to get the plant/potions business, I thought we were going to get married, I thought we were going to live in my house.
Noble: And now...
@"Daffodil Potts": Nothing is going to stop us from getting married, okay?
Daffy: Even if we're homeless.
Daffy: I actually quite like outdoor weddings.

Ishmael: Rich humans are basically like veal. Conceptually repulsive, but so buttery on my tongue.

The following 3 users Like Trystan Selwyn's post:
   Adrienne Lestrange, Cassius Lestrange, Daffodil Grimstone

Christabel Daphnel, describing Elliot:
“He’s a nice guy but he’s like the grim fucking reaper”

Fortitude Greengrass: But you’re living a lie.
Cassius Lestrange: yeah, I know. You don’t think I fucking know that?

The following 2 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Adrienne Lestrange, Fortitude Greengrass
Lowri Dempsey: Don't pull any of those stunts like you did the last time.
Porphyria Dempsey: I made an offering.
Lowri: You dropped a dead mouse in that poor man's lap.
Phyri: Yes. like a cat
Lowri: You are not a cat, Porphyria
Phyri. No. Tragically I am a woman.

Raphael Malfoy: It's not natural for women to fight.
Rowan Yaxley: It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand.

Eugene Scamander: Did you know she refuses to see a movie if an animal dies?
Tilda MacFusty: But I don't mind if people die.

Elias Grimstone: Are you alright?
Irene Crawley: I’m gonna start charging people money for asking me that.

Raf: you have 3 seconds to get your hand off of me
Ro: bu- but you asked me to hold your hand like 10 minutes ago??
Raf: yes and now the idea of you touching me makes me want to throw up
Ro: okay
*30 min later*
Raf: Yaxley, why aren’t you holding my hand

Basil Foxwood: The path to inner peace begins with four words —
Agrimony Macnair: not my fucking problem

Elias: Why do you like being out in the rain?
@"Daffodil Potts": I like splashing in the puddles and rain is just fun.
Irene: I’m trying to get hit by lightning.

Benedict Sterling: Hey Dio, can I give you some advice?
Dionisia Fisk: Absolutely not.

Raf: I made tea.
Ro: I don’t want tea.
Raf: I didn’t make tea for you…this is my tea.
Ro: Then why are you telling me?
Raf: It’s a conversation starter.
Ro: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Raf: Oh, is it? We’re conversing. Checkmate.

[during a battle]

@"Fallon Hatchitt": Is anyone else scared?
Ben: Not really. I've already lived longer than I expected.

Christabel Daphnel: Phyri, i did something terrible.
Porphyria Dempsey: don’t worry. i have a shovel.
Christabel: i- wait, what did you think i did?
Phyri: doesn’t matter. no one will ever know.

Benedict Sterling & Ari Fisk: how did you find us?
Dionisia Fisk: oh it was easy really. i just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that.

Ishmael: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One.
Gilbert Prusseneit and Azazel, code name: Been There, Done That.
Monty Morales is Currently Doing That.
Galina is It Happened Once In A Dream.
Kieran Abernathy, code name: If I Had To Pick A Werewolf.
Tariq Zahir is Eagle Two.
Tariq: Oh thank god.

(later) Ishmael: This is Eagle One. Been There, Done That are leaving the stage; I'd Be Lying If I Said I Hadn't Thought About It (Dimitri Lancaster) is in position.
so anyway, the vampire caverns are fun

The following 3 users Like Ishmael's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Clarissa Cosgrove, Faustus Prewett

Charity Lloyd: When I die, I'd like to be buried at sea.
J. Alfred Darrow: What?
Charity: It seems like fun. You'll make a day of it.

Cash: I know a lot of rich, white, fucked up people.

Reuben Crouch: I need your help. You can’t ask me what it is, we can never talk about it later, and we’re gonna hurt some people.
Art: Whose floo are we gonna take?

The following 3 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Fortitude Greengrass, Greta Gillenwater, Holly Scrimgeour

MJ made this!
Porphyria Dempsey: You are all such beautiful vibrant vicious women? How did you all end up married to such boiled potatoes?

The following 2 users Like Zelda Darrow's post:
   Elias Grimstone, Philomena Sprout

[Image: xXXD462.png]
The only alive acquaintance I can think of for Phyri is Cal, so in he goes to this incorrect quote

Caltheus Rookwood: Okay. Yeah. I get it. You saw a dead lady’s corpse when you were a little girl, and you were fine.

Porphyria Dempsey: Yes. Although for some reason that I do not understand, I kept staging my own death. Pretending that I drowned in the bathtub, faking electrical shock. It really freaked my parents out, and once when Oz found me hanging he had to go see the school psychologist.

Cal: But otherwise you were fine.

Phyri: Yeah.

The following 1 user Likes Philomena Sprout's post:
   Elias Grimstone
more WWDITS quotes --

Ishmael Well how am I going to eat if I don't prey on people, dummy?

Justin Ross If I find I'm in a situation where an idiot is complaining to me, you can either kill them or you can pretend to listen to them.

Sina, to Ozymandias Dempsey: You are supposed to support me when I want to murder someone!

Porphyria Dempsey These poor women. They take a lovely, handsome chap from the street, make him their husband, and then, in the blinks of an eye, he becomes a big, lazy sack of shit. So sad.

Jude Wright I don't kiss and tell. But I can tell you... I don't kiss.

The following 3 users Like Zelda Darrow's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Elias Grimstone, Philomena Sprout

[Image: xXXD462.png]
Elliot: If you answer a few questions for me, I can basically pinpoint the day you’re going to die.

MJ made this!
"Beanie is rewatching Bones" edition --

Latest Benart thread --
Art: Drink up, will ya?
Reuben Crouch: Why?
Art: Because I'm hoping you'll pass out.

Locklyn MacCoinnich: Any cause of death?
Ivy: well, since I can't find the skull, I'd say his head was cut off.

The following 3 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Locklyn MacCoinnich, Philomena Sprout, Reuben Crouch

MJ made this!
Hey people who consume media, bring this thread back.

Set by Lady!
(September 23, 2024 – 8:29 PM)Fortitude Greengrass Wrote:  Hey people who consume media, bring this thread back.

What quotes did I have written in my notes app, you ask?

Culpurnia Cress: I’ve been here three weeks and I’ve made many enemies.

Don Juan Dempsey: Yo, you ever think about purpose?
Lowri Dempsey: I love you, but I don't have time for this, alright?

Fortitude Greengrass: Is it like I have a beacon that only dogs and people with severe emotional problems can hear?

Johanna Applegate, about Dean Hudson: I'm finally going to hook up with a guy with abs.

The following 3 users Like Noble Greengrass's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Don Juan Dempsey, Philomena Sprout

[Image: JQOtKDt.png]
set by Bee

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