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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Alexandra Rowle
Full Name: Alexandra Olivia Rowle nèe Tripe
Nicknames: Allie -in childhood, Alessia - a nickname she picked up from an Italian girl while at finishing school in Switzerland
Birthdate: May 3rd, 1858
Current Age: 35 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Socialite
Reputation: 10 - this branch of the Rowles is perfectly respectable
Residence: Mayfair, London | “The Castle”, Scotland
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Rigid, 13”, dragon heartstring and hawthorn
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper class
Philip Rowle, husband [1850]
Philippa Rowle, daughter [1882]
Frederick Rowle, son [1884-1887]
Albert Rowle, son [1887]
Florence Rowle [1889]

Cerulean Tripe, father [1828]
Yolanda Tripe née —-, mother [1835]
Beatrice —- née Tripe, sister [1860]
Camilla —- née Tripe, sister [1862]
Dana —- née Tripe, sister [1864]
Viridian Tripe, brother [1866]

Magenta Black née Tripe, great aunt
married to Licorus Black


A tall and imposing woman, Alexandra is the perfect optical match for her similarly above average tall husband. She has a pair of strong dark eyebrows over piercing blue eyes - even when she is relaxed, Alexandra’s gaze is intense. Her features are sharp and elegant, foxy one might even say. She has dark brown hair that tends to curl at the ends, which she styles fashionably.

Alexandra prefers darker colours, especially after the death of her son, when she had to dress for mourning, she decided those colours look best on her anyway. She goes for elegant and simple designs and tries to keep her sleeves as fashionably small as she can, not really understanding what the fuss is all about.

She uses her right hand and speaks with a posh accent.


Childhood (1858 - 1869)

When Alexandra was born, her father Cerulean decided to skip the colour theme set by his great grandfather and which dictated that the Tripe legacy had to be continued by someone who’s name is a colour (hence why his name was Cerulean and his aunt’s Magenta, and so on and so forth.) The young parents decided that they would only use a colour name for the som who would follow, as little Alexandra wouldn’t be continuing the Tripe name anyway.

As such, the naming theme they went for was the alphabet, until, finally, a son was born after Dana. They couldn’t think of any decent colour names that started with E, so Viridian it was - it sounded like a proper name too.

Even though Alexandra wouldn’t be continuing the Tripe name (and thank Merlin, as too often she is made fun of for the food association) she was nonetheless a bossy child who ordered her little siblings around. When things wouldn’t go her way, Alexandra would throw tantrums, many of them involving bouts of uncontrolled magic from her part.

Hogwarts (1869 - 1876)

At Hogwarts, Alexandra was sorted into Slytherin where she quickly formed a friendship group with her as the “leader”. She picked friends based on how easy she could control them, rather than any actual liking towards them. She did have some "true" friends, but they were separate from her crony friendship group.

When one of her friends is picked as the Slytherin prefect for the 1873-1874 year, she is Not Happy. So much so, that she confides in the house matron that she and a boy from their year have a romance going. Her friend doesn’t forgive her betrayal and Alexandra happily lets her hex her, the final nail in her prefect career’s coffin. After Christmas break, she returns as the Slytherin prefect, while her ex-friend is sent to a finishing school.

Thankfully, she doesn’t have to pull such a scheme in her seventh year, as she is selected as the Head Girl. Alexandra “rules” with an iron fist, not letting a student go unpunished if caught breaking the rules, not so much because she cares about the rules (she frequently breaks them herself), but because she simply enjoys having the power.

Academically, Alexandra ensures to get good grades, but she's not a genius. She focuses on the topics that seem the most practical and useful and isn't fuelled by any sort of academic curiousity. She is annoyed when she has to pick an elective in her Third Year, finding all of the classes a tad useless in the grand scheme of things. In the end, she picks Divination because it is fun to read Tarot cards and the like, with her friends. She drops the class as soon as she can.

Debutante Years (1876 - 1881)

After Hogwarts, Alexandra is sent to a fashionable finishing school in Switzerland (Pendergast School wasn't around at the time). Her parents are in no rush to get her married and she spends two years at that school, honing the skills that will serve her as socialite after she is married. Once again, Alexandra has an imposing personality and she is one of the students leading the quieter ones around. This does catch the attention of one of her instructions, with a similarly imposing personality, who nonetheless tells Alexandra that she will need to tone this done when she is married, because men don't like bossy women. Alexandra is annoyed, but she is also pragmatic and she works on her "demure, submissive" persona to use around men.

She returns to the UK in 1878 and debuts for that season... With not much success. Alexandra's problem is her height, which sets many men off, as she is otherwise a perfect society wife on paper, from a well-connected family and a good dowry. Her marriage pool is rather narrow, as there are only so many very tall and pureblooded men for her to choose from (and to choose her).

Marriage Years (1881 - 1893)

Ultimately, she finds the perfect man. Philip Rowle is tall, not just as tall as her but taller and he is so very docile. She is very much the blushing debutante while they're courting, but after she becomes Mrs. Rowle, it quickly becomes evident who will have the reins of the household.

Tragedy strikes the family when her first son, Frederick, drowns in the bath. While hardly the type of upper class mother to spend hours with her children, Alexandra is furious that her child was killed. She all but doesn't drown the Nanny herself, deeming her responsible for her child's death. She also takes her anger out on her husband, crying and screaming at him, for the first time annoyed in his passiveness. "I despise you, Philip Rowle, you are a useless man, your son died and you are doing nothing a real man wouldn't have allowed this. Stop looking at me like that, Philip, why aren't you angier?" It is then that she catches a glimpse of something in her husband, of underlying passion, but it is gone before it can come to the surface.

The Nanny is fired and Alexandra retreats to the family country house for the rest of her pregnancy. The arrival of another son helps somewhat to heal the pain of losing Frederick, though this time Alexandra ensures that his bathtub is charmed so the baby can never be submerged under the water.

She grows distant with her husband, finding the qualities she liked so much about him in the beginning, insufferable. For once, she wishes she had a husband who could be her equal in temparament. Initially, she tries to find a lover, but in spite of his faults, Alexandra finds herself only attracted to her husband. The have another child in 1889.

A New Era of Mrs. Rowle (1893 - )

One day, Philip suddenly changes. She finds him in a state of great distress and after that day, he is no longer docile and mild-mannered. If anything, he talks back.

This is the husband she'd screamed to him about not being and time will tell if it is a wish come true, or a 'be-careful-what-you-wish-for' situation.


On the inside: Alexandra likes to be in charge, not trusting anyone else to do as good of a job as her. She is rather independant and won't rely on others unless she really needs to. Pragmatic and calculating, Alexandra can have a very cold-hearted approach to get the things she wants. She is stubborn and it is difficult to change her mind about something. She is not easily influenced by others, sticking to her beliefs and ways of doing things.

Externally: While there is no denying that Alexandra tends to get the leadership roles in power dynamics, she is hardly an unpleasant bitch to people, having outgrown the harshness of her childhood and teenage years. She is rather charming, enjoying a good laugh and a good time. She is known to host good parties, meticulously planned to ensure everyone is impressed and has a good time.


Languages: Alexandra is very proficient in French and she also picked up some German and Italian during her stay in the Swiss finishing school. From the two, she is better in Italian, finding it easier than German.

A cat person, Alexandra has had cats throughout her life. Currently, she has a gray cat called Gianna.

Sample Roleplay Post: At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.
Name: Sofia
Age: 26

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