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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

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May 1893
May 1893

This month, the full moon will be on (Sunday 30th April and) Tuesday, 30th May. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.

In this thread, you'll find and add events for the month of May.
You can also check this out in calendar view!

Click below for directions on adding your event to this month's list!


look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

What: Annual Potts Flower Show
Who: Laurel Potts & Daughters
Cost: n/a donations strongly encouraged for local charities
Where: Potts family home on Thimblewhit Turn and adjacent section of Padmore Park
Why: Chaos
When: May 13th, 1893

After a rousing success last year, Laurel has decided this should be an annual thing. There are zones dedicated to different ecosystems, everything from tropical paradises, to swamps to traditional English gardens and everything in between! Hedge paths connect the different sections and there are both magical and muggle plants alike! There are treats from Honeydukes and refreshments served in some sections as well! Like last year there are floral arranging seminars and other lawn games to be enjoyed!

We have an optional sign up for some additional chaos if you're up for it, but please feel free to enjoy the show without interference as well!

Contact Player(s): Fallin Sisse Thompsett & Bee @"Daffodil Potts"


[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]

What: Wedding of Lionel Lupin & Cecilia Bulstrode
Who: Hosted by the Bulstrodes to celebrate the wedding of their daughter, Cecilia Bulstrode to Lionel Lupin. Close friends and family are invited to the wedding ceremony. *The wedding reception is open to those in the upper classes, Ministry higher-ups and any friends of the couple that are in good standing reputation-wise (8+).
Cost: N/A
Where: Bulstrode Estate, London, England
Why: Lionel is finally getting married to Cecilia Bulstrode.
When: May 20

The wedding ceremony will take place in the back yard of the Bulstrode estate. It is an elegant and well-put together affair without being too obnoxious. After the ceremony, there will be a short intermission that will be followed by a garden party. There will be a luncheon as well as lawn games. The newlyweds will depart for their honeymoon in the evening.

Contact Player(s): Kit Clarissa Cosgrove and/or Kelly @"Cecilia Bulstrode"



What: Hogwarts' Annual Coming Out Ball
Who: Ball in honour of the graduating class of 1893. Also invited are graduates' families, Hogwarts faculty, students in fifth year and above, and all previous Hogwarts graduates, regardless of class.
Cost: Nope!
Where: Hogwarts Great Hall
Why: Tradition, folks.
When: 28th May

This year's debs will make their way down the stairs, led by Head Girl Idunn Fraser. Her parents will be sooooo publicly embarrassing about this. After that, the ball begins – the Great Hall is specially decorated for the event. At midnight, all the graduating seventh years will leave Hogwarts by enchanted rowboats across the lake, just like they arrived as baby first years. Everyone else can party on for a bit.

Contact Player(s): Elias Grimstone / Staff

The following 4 users Like Elias Grimstone's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Daffodil Grimstone, Miriam Hitchens, Sisse Thompsett

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

What: May Day
Who: Hosted by the Augurey Beak Cafe Revolutionaries, in conjunction with magical trade unions and the people with London
Cost: N/A
Where: Diagon Alley
Why: Workers of the world unite
When: May 1st, 1893

This was the sort of May Day celebration that Kieran actually liked; handing out May Baskets, pamphlets that said "Leisure: Brought to You By Labour," speeches and buttons that called for making Hogwarts free and truly opening magic to the masses. There were baked goods and beers, street games for children, and symbols of clasped hands on buttons and pamphlets and hair ribbons — and no one was trying start a riot. Kieran was exhausted, deep-in-his-bones wrecked, but he was sitting at a small table and painting children's faces for a knut—or—nothing, depending on how impoverished the child looked.

Contact Player(s): Beanie Cassius Lestrange / MJ Elias Grimstone


The following 3 users Like Kieran Abernathy's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Elias Grimstone, Sisse Thompsett

[Image: 3dn7vak.png]
set by MJ!

What: Hogwarts Study Week
Who: Hosted by the House Matrons in connection with the student book club, all students are invited to study for exams together in this annual end of term event.
Cost: N?A
Where: Spare Hogwarts classroom in the corridor leading to the library
Why: For students to study and to foster house relationships
When: May 14-18, 21-22

Hogwarts House matrons annually set up evening study sessions at the end of the year with clubs rotating each year in who helps them. This year it is the Hogwarts Book club. Tea and treats have been provided for the students as well as a stack of novels for a study break. There are comfortable study areas for individual study and a parlor set up for students who would like to study in a group. Matrons will be rotating through to assist students. Study each night will focus on the subject of the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T exam the following day, but help will be available for all students in any subject.

Of course with this many students in one area something is bound to happen. There will be an open suggestionizer thread for each of these incidents open to 2-3 students, but feel free to post your own corresponding thread up too.

Sunday, May 14: Charms and D.A.D.A.
An overzealous fifth year is practicing a windy charm and accidently sets a mini cyclone flying through the room. Paper, books, pillows, rugs, cups of tea, scones and biscuits are hurling through the air in the middle of a studious beginning.

Monday, May 15: Astronomy and Charms
A N.E.W.T. level student's charm accidently enchants all the teacups in the room to grow legs and begin to run around the room. They seem particularly interested in the telescopes set up by the windows and in sloshing tea on star maps.

Tuesday, May 16: D.A.D.A and Herbology
Professor Skeeter has been kind enough to loan several snargaluff stumps for seventh years to practice on, as well several other plants, the problem is boggart has also been brought for D.A.D.A. practice and disguised itself as one of the stumps. No one is sure which is which or who is scared of a snargaluff stump - my guess is it's own of the seventh years.

Wednesday, May 17: Herbology and History of Magic
Who let the bouncing bulbs out? Who? Who? Who let the bouncing bulbs out?

Thursday, May 18: History of Magic and Potions
Someone's Draught of the Living Dead has gone horribly wrong and splattered everyone near by, boils are quick to show up on the skin.

Sunday, May 21: Potions and Transfiguration
It turns out Potions and Transfiguration shouldn'tt mix. Someone's spell has gone rouge and hit the center of a boiling cauldron in the row set up by the windows. Not only does this cauldron transform into a peweter ball it rolls into the next one, knocking it over, until the whole row of cauldrons and their contents are flying and spilling all over the room. The initial potion has flew into the air in a great display of sparks and fireworks, showering the whole room with a Befuddlement Darught.

Monday, May 22: Transfiguration and Astronomy
Slippers seem so cozy and nice, but when they are only particially transfigured from rabbits there's always a chance that they'll nibble your toes. Multiple practice rabbits have wriggled free from practicing students and are hopping around in various states of transfiguration as they look to nibble toes and papers. Guard your star starts older students!

Contact Player(s): Sisse Thompsett
Huge thanks to Jordan for the idea and the inspiration


Please do not port yet, I will port when threads have been linked.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
UCAB | REP 7+ | Ball

What: The Private Debut of the Meredeth Twins
Who: Hosted by Vernon & Charlotte Meredeth; Rashmika and Chandrima Meredeth are the guests of honor. All upper class of good standing invited.
Cost: N/A
Where: The Meredeth estate in Yorkshire — guests may apparate or floo into the foyer; if taking floo, there will be maids and valets on hand to deal with the soot.
Why: Veronon Meredeth has some respect for his first wife's native culture.
When: May 31

It's no particular secret that the eldest four Meredeth siblings' mother was direct from India, and it's especially no secret that their father allows and encourages his eldest children's connection to their mother's culture. Surprisingly, he has had a direct hand in the planning of the twins' private coming out, from floral arrangements to the very decor — which is tasteful and subtle, in shades of silver, gold, and yellow which compliment the white ballroom well.

There is to be a procession of greetings, but instead of typical English gowns of modest white — which, in Hinduism, is the color of mourning — the twins will greet their guests in yellow saree. The invitation to the event details that it is highly preferable that no guest arrive wearing primarily white.

The sisters' maternal relatives have been invited to this ball, rather than the Hogwarts event.

Contact Player(s): Miriam Hitchens, Agape Lestrange


[Image: Chandrima-Sig.jpg]

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