Hello students! I am pleased to announce that I will be your new Divination Professor here at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
Your first assignment is a rather large one. This shouldn't come as a surprise considering how far in the year we are, but I hope you're well prepared all the same.
On the 27th of March I will be hosting a Tea ceremony. My students will be required to read tea leaves for their peers for at least half an hour in duration. I expect you all to do this with care. Divination is an art, yes, but it can also be a very risky business. Should you see something in the leaves that is less than agreeable, you are to deliver the news kindly and thoughtfully.
I will be available through direct request to participate in any threads. Students who wish to thread with me should send a DM.
This assignment must be received no later than April second.
The student with the most posts will be awarded 30 points to their respective house.
The student to come in second will be awarded 20 points.
The student to come in third will be awarded 15 points.
A special prize of 15 points will go to the post that is most creative.
I wish you all a merry Monday and look forward to seeing you at the tea ceremony.
Atticus Delphinium