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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Braces, or suspenders, were almost universally worn due to the high cut of men's trousers. Belts did not become common until the 1920s. — MJ
Had it really come to this? Passing Charles Macmillan back and forth like an upright booby prize?
Entry Wounds

Charles Hutton vs. Lilibet Meadows
8th February, 1895 — The Great Hall, Hogwarts
Sirius was in the finals, but he had not been allowed to judge that duel – as if he would have favoured his son so blatantly! (He would have.)

Instead he had been saddled with the first years. Phineas, unenthused, reminded them of the rules and bade Mr. Hutton begin.
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Charles Hutton & Lilibet Meadows

This was it! The final round. Charlie couldn't help but beam with pride as bowed toward his opponent, pleased that he was casting first. Deciding he didn't need to go flashy (he certainly didn't need to impress Headmaster Black, although somehow Charlie still hoped he might), the Gryffindor cast, "Engorgio!" Hopefully Miss Meadows would swell immensely.

Lilibet Meadows

She’d made it to the final round! And against a boy no less. Rorie smiled back at Mr. Hutton and prepared herself as the rules were read. She was on defense again, so she went with a simple shield charm again.
Elias Grimstone

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   Charles Hutton
Fortunately, Phineas was spared the sight of a rapidly ballooning first year by a shield charm that held fast. With any luck, the next rounds would be as uneventful.

"Miss Meadows takes the point and may cast again."
Lilibet Meadows

Lilibet had to truly beam this time, but refrained from gloating. She readied herself once more and cast a knockback jinx.
Charles Hutton

Win or lose, at least Charlie had made it to the final round. He quickly cast the shield charm. (How boring.)
Elias Grimstone

Miss Meadows' knockback jinx knocked Mr. Hutton back – and just like that, with more of a whimper than a bang, the Intro level duels were concluded. Thank Merlin.

"Miss Meadows wins."

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