RE: Charles Hutton vs. Lilibet Meadows - Charles Hutton - March 15, 2025
This was it! The final round. Charlie couldn't help but beam with pride as bowed toward his opponent, pleased that he was casting first. Deciding he didn't need to go flashy (he certainly didn't need to impress Headmaster Black, although somehow Charlie still hoped he might), the Gryffindor cast, "Engorgio!" Hopefully Miss Meadows would swell immensely.
RE: Charles Hutton vs. Lilibet Meadows - Lilibet Meadows - March 15, 2025
She’d made it to the final round! And against a boy no less. Rorie smiled back at Mr. Hutton and prepared herself as the rules were read. She was on defense again, so she went with a simple shield charmagain.
RE: Charles Hutton vs. Lilibet Meadows - Phineas Black - March 15, 2025
Fortunately, Phineas was spared the sight of a rapidly ballooning first year by a shield charm that held fast. With any luck, the next rounds would be as uneventful.
"Miss Meadows takes the point and may cast again."
RE: Charles Hutton vs. Lilibet Meadows - Phineas Black - March 16, 2025
Miss Meadows' knockback jinx knocked Mr. Hutton back – and just like that, with more of a whimper than a bang, the Intro level duels were concluded. Thank Merlin.