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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Elaine is a Fail
I've had a pretty bad couple of months. There's no denying it. As a result, I've ended up losing pretty much my entire roster of characters. I need your help figuring out who to bring back to round out the list.

The Guaranteed
[Image: MJ-Av-1.png] [Image: avatar.jpg]

These characters — Josephine and Siobhan — have guaranteed plot connections and I am very attached to them. Josephine could use more veela shenanigans, but Siobhan has a pretty solid plot going on, with guaranteed threads.

The Potentials
[Image: 1-av.jpg] [Image: 9R7zIT.jpg] [Image: Later-Scarring-Av.jpg] [Image: 1-Av.jpg?dateline=1694879288]

Only ONE of these four potential characters will be returning, for the time being, and I need input as to which one would have the most going on. The options are (if you don't know them by face) Victoria Greyback, Angelique Parkinson, Aurelia Bulstrode, and Antonina Solovyova.

Pls help I am fail.

[Image: Sig-1.jpg]
I'd personally say Toni as there are a handful of Rose's in play or Angelique for the Parkinsons in play.

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   Melody Stanwell

You did mention to me a possible betrothal plot for Antonina and Dorian. If that's still true, now would be a good time for Elise to introduce her to Dorian. She is invited to his party because of her friendship with Elise.

Though, ofc, if you choose Angelique, I have Heather (and Chessie is staying with Minnie at the villa) and ngl Parkinson family Christmas will probably be a giant mess.

The following 1 user Likes Dorian Rosier's post:
   Melody Stanwell

[Image: dorian-signature.png]
Beautiful Set by Athena ♡ !
Thirding Toni as having the most potential connections I can think of!

MJ made this!
I have decided to go with the majority thus far and resurrect Toni.

[Image: Sig-1.jpg]

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