Nicknames: El, Laisa
Birthdate: May, 3rd, 1873
Current Age: 15
Occupation: Hogwarts Student
Reputation: 4
Residence: Hogesmeade
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: cedar, 10", supple, phoenix feather
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Working
Family: Annabeth Galloway - mother, deceased
Oliver Galloway - father, alive
Emmett Galloway - Younger brother, deceased
Esther Galloway - Older sister, alive
Appearance: She has long blond hair what she loves to take care of. She is blessed with blue eyes like her mother was. She is actually copy of her mother at her age. She dress so good as she can. She is right handed. Her hight is about 5ft. 3in, so she isn't very tall yet but she might grow a bit but you never know. She is quite slim girl, sometimes people say she is even too thin but she doesn't mind it. She is fine with her body as she is.
May 3rd 1873 - She was born.
July 1877 - She discovers she has magic in herself by making her mother plants in the garden grow awhile playing near them.
1878 - her little brother is born and her mother dies after giving birth to him.
August 1879 - her father loses his job because of his drinking problems.
September 1880 - her older sister goes to Hogwarts.
January 1881 - her brother dies due to lack of the food at home and heart problems he had. She is very devastated about it.
March 1881 - her father finds a new job. Stops drinking and try to be there for her girls.
September 1884 - she herself goes to Hogwarts. Sorted into Ravenclaw
September, 188 - She becomes part of the Full Academic Scholarship due to her father not having enough money to support her education. He just works as a small shop worker, it was the only job he could get, he wasn't allowed back to Ministry.
April 1889 - about finish her fifth year. Loves to Hogwarts and can stay away from father.
Personality: Kind, Caring, Smart, Hardworking
Other: n/a
Sample Roleplay Post:
Carmen was aware thar she shouldn't go to bars and drink anymore. She shouldn't have drunk alchol in first place eight months ago but she was. Now she is pregnant with two babies. She walked in the place and could see eyes on her but she ignored them. Lately she has been trying still track down the guy she slept all those months ago. To go by first name wasn't easy. There was so many Bryan's. She sat down the stool near the bar area. "Would be okay to get glass of water or orange juice?" she asked from bartender. She couldn't have alcohol. She didn't wanna harm babies.
Age: 25
Contact: PM
Other Characters: n/a
How did you hear about us?: Old member who ended up back here again.