Nicknames: None
Birthdate: December 8th, 1868
Current Age: 19
Occupation: Pendergast Rose
Reputation: 8 - Her mother ran off and left her father for another woman, squib sister
Residence: Irvingly, PSYR (during Rose season), Hogsmeade (Rose offseason)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Willow, 10 inches, unicorn tail hair, flexible
Blood Status: Half blood
Social Class: Upper
----- Oakby, Father, b. 1844
Sarah Edmunds, Mother, absent, b. 1850
Idris Oakby, Sister, b. 1872
Appearance: Standing at a perfectly respectable five feet, two inches, Jane makes up for what she lacks in height with curves for days. She favors the most recent silhouettes in fashion, utilizing corsets to draw her waist into a narrow point; her color preference is jewel tones, which make her brown eyes sparkle and set off the reddish undertones in her brunette hair. Jane always wears a small amethyst ring on her left hand, which is also her wand hand. This ring is from her mother, handed down through generations from mother to eldest daughter, and Jane only takes it off when bathing, revealing a thin line where it usually sits.
1868: Jane is born on a deathly cold winter night. Mother and baby are both in initial danger, but both survive.
1872: Jane's little sister Idris is born
1873: Furious at the attention that Idris seems to be taking away from her, Jane displays her first magical ability by making Idris's toy elephant fly. This has the opposite effect - Idris takes her first steps to chase after the elephant, and the attention turns back to her.
1877: During the initial wave of muggles finding out about magic, the Oakby family settles in a comfortable home in Hogsmeade so as to avoid detection. The initial intent is to return to London once the scare is over, but life moves on and they stay.
1880: Jane attends Hogwarts in September of 1880, where she is sorted into Gryffindor. The hat scarcely touches her head before securing her fate to red and gold. Red becomes her signature color; even at eleven, Jane is fashionably precocious, and tends to be dressed like a fashion plate, always with at least one red accessory.
1880, Christmas: Jane returns home to find only her father and sister. Her mother never returns, and her sister does not show signs of magic, leading the Oakbys to believe that it is the tragedy of losing her mother that has suppressed her magic.
1884: Jane's family survives unscathed by both the fire and the plague. Though grateful to have survived both tragedies, Jane begins to question the purity of her blood, since her father has always told her she was a pureblood yet she was not affected by the plague. In August, Jane receives her prefect's badge, which she will hold until she graduates.
1887: Jane graduates from Hogwarts as a three time prefect, fulfilling a promise to her mother that she would become educated, and a promise to herself to hold a leadership position. Because of her father's status within the Ministry, Jane is accepted to attend the Pendergast School for Young Roses, despite her family reputation inflicted by her mother.
Present: Jane continues to attend PYSR, continues to dress like a gemstone inspired fashion plate, and continues to ignore the possibilities of her heritage as best she can, in the hopes that ignoring it will make it go away.
Personality: Charismatic. Obsessive. Direct. Neat. Ambivert.
Other: Jane's mother left her father for another woman while Jane was away at her first year at Hogwarts. Jane has no idea what the true story is - all she knows is that her mother was not a pureblood and that she left her when she was young.
Age: 20
Contact: Skype, Discord, PM
Other Characters: Rosalind Poe
How did you hear about us?: i don't even remember anymore