Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Braces, or suspenders, were almost universally worn due to the high cut of men's trousers. Belts did not become common until the 1920s. — MJ
Had it really come to this? Passing Charles Macmillan back and forth like an upright booby prize?
Entry Wounds

Read Only
April 2024
Activity Check
Another activity check come and gone! The list of inactive accounts has been compiled and deactivations and list maintenance are underway :) If you lost a character you'd like back, you may post in Maintenance starting Wednesday, April 10th. If you have no currently active characters you can post in maintenance immediately!

(If you lost a character before the AC, you can post there whenever you'd like!)

The next AC will take place on Sunday, May 5th.

Posting Wizard
Colour me intimidated: the March PW winners are Lynn (Fortitude Greengrass) and Emma (Alice Dawson) with a whopping 229 and 112 posts, respectively! There will be another small battleground for April—will I make my TRIUMPHANT RETURN, or will MJ, Kit, or Fallin crush me like a bug?

Events on the Horizon
We already have a number of IC events for April lined up covering all classes! Also, keep your eyes peeled for a Dueling Tournament (adults!) signup either today or tomorrow :)

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Forum Mini-Migration
There have been some tweaks to our IC — Extras zone! The first is the creation of a Heard Around Town forum. This is the new home of both the regular and Hogwarts rumour mills, as well as the forums for The Daily Prophet and Witch Weekly.

This has brought with it the creation of a community bulletin forum, getting these types of posts away from more personal mail. I moved a couple threads there already but then actively realized I don't care. However, if you want to make sure all your past threads/posts are tucked away in the correct corner, you can post in maintenance to have them moved :)

Basically, any public way of picking up news or gossip short of a random town crier is all under one digital roof!

The Charming Business Directory
The second, bigger change is the addition of the Charming Business Directory! This is a user-curated depository of all the cool businesses our characters establish <3 It is:

  1. Voluntary
  2. Composed of living documents
  3. Alphabetized so don't freak out if your post doesn't go straight to the top of the list
  4. Going to be replacing the "alternative locations" threads that are woefully out of date

I'll also be working on maintaining a spreadsheet that organizes businesses both by type and location!

I've already posted an entry for Dodderidge Mortuary Services so you can see what this looks like! I've also pinned directions in the forum so you can start adding your own business(es) at your leisure.

Please note that the staff was 50/50 on where to put this forum. As a result, we are running a poll for the next two weeks (until April 24th)—help us pick it's final home!

It's been a while since I've done forum creation.
Please post in maintenance if any of the IC — Extras forums are not behaving as they should be!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
AC Approaches
The next Activity Check will be on Sunday, May 5th! Please ensure that:
  • Your mini-profile is filled in
  • All of your characters have been listed in the Character Directory—check back on your entries to make sure they were processed properly! Anyone reactivated this month will need to be placed back on. 
  • Characters made before the last AC have posted at least once since the last AC
  • Profile has been filled in if not done during acceptance (Did you get a "DIY" PM? You'll need to do this!)
  • Your character's height is displayed in their mini-profile—if you reactivate an account, this may need doing!
...and so does May!
We're looking for your May IC events, as well as any intersted parties for May Posting Wizard!

Students and Faculty: May is the last month of the Hogwarts Calendar—that means it's the last month for earning and losing house points!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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