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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Charity Lloyd
172 Posts
Played by Bree
Third Year
13 year old Halfblood
4 ft. 8 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Charity Freesia Lloyd


Birthdate: August 30, 1881

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Blood Status: Halfblood

Residence: Uncle Evander's house in Irvingly

Hogwarts House: Unknown

Wand: Unknown

Jonathan Lloyd, Father [1845-1890]
Evelina Lloyd (née Darrow), Mother [1853-1883]

Barclay Darrow, Grandfather [1818-1879]
Hamish Darrow, Great-Uncle [1815]
Evangeline Darrow (née Hardacker), Grandmother [1828-1884]
Evander Darrow, Uncle [1849]
Caroline Darrow (née Delaney), Aunt [1869]
J. Alfred Darrow, Uncle [1854]
Zelda Darrow (née Fisk), Aunt [1868]
Charity takes after both her mother and father. She looks much like a younger Evelina Darrow with her heart-shaped face, hazel-green eyes, and wide smile, but inherited her father's freckled complexion and bright orange hair. Although she constantly laments about how terribly awful it is, she secretly considers her hair a trait that makes her stand out like the tragic heroines she reads all about and hopes. Charity has never been one for outward displays of vanity (she hates ornamentation and impractical accessories), but, to put it frankly, she would rather die in a house fire than let her neighbors see her without her hair done. Her neat appearance is one of the few parts of her life she can control, and control it she does.

In height and in weight (and, really, in beauty) she is average. She is not a natural athlete but she's not not athletic, and enjoys swimming and playing croquet when everyone else is doing it. She dresses like a proper girl of her class, except her dresses are always dark and dreary and "befitting of an orphan", as she'd probably tell anyone who asked. Think dark academia for small Victorian children. She writes with her right hand.
1881 | After years of struggling to conceive a child, Evelina Lloyd gives birth to a healthy baby girl with bright orange hair in their London townhome. Charity, sensibly named by her sensible mother, is spoiled and rarely seen in the arms of anyone else when her mother’s at home.

1883 | Evelina dies suddenly, leaving two-year-old Charity confused and inconsolable. She cries for her mother for weeks after, having to be comforted by a nanny morning, day, and night. She eventually mellows out, and although she’s too young to understand the permanence of death, she no longer frets about her mother’s absence.

1884 | Jonathan moves himself and his daughter out of their London townhome and into a different one in the heart of muggle London. While still seeing her magical relatives on holidays and in passing, Charity grows up under more muggle influence than most magical-born children. Weekdays are spent with her muggle grandmother, and evenings are spent with her muggleborn nanny.

1885 | A governess is hired earlier than usual after a number of public meltdowns that leave Jonathan’s mother with the impression that Charity is in desperate need of intervention. The four-year-old resists the new influence in the household, but learns to control herself after it becomes clear that her governess favorite disciplinary method is the rod.

1887 | Charity displays her first sign of magic. It is met with excitement on her father’s part and uncertainty on her grandparents’ parts, but Charity is simply relieved to be a witch like her mother once was.

1888 | A fight between Charity’s father and grandparents leaves the two families estranged—and leaves Charity feeling more lonely than ever. She is gifted with a kitten for Christmas, but even a new feline companion does not compensate for the loss of her family.

1890 | Jonathan perishes after a battle with a head injury sustained during a stampede at the Candle Lighting Celebration at the Ministry. Charity becomes an orphan and the ward of her two uncles, Evander and J. Alfred Darrow—two men with very little experience with small children. She goes to live with Uncle Evander in Irvingly. She gets a governess in the form of Miss Louisa Clearwater, who helps her read, write, and sometimes work through her emotional problems, which Uncle Evander doesn't cope with very well.

1891 | Uncle Evander marries Caroline Delaney, an American girl a decade older than her and who she swears is fated to be her evil stepmother (aunt?) like Cinderella had. It very much is the end of the world.
1892 | Charity goes off to Hogwarts in September and is sorted into Ravenclaw. It suits her very well.

1894 | Charity enters her third year and promptly adds Care of Magical Creatures, Ghoul Studies, and Divination to her class roster.

Suspicious. Perfectionist. Well-mannered, but also sort of aloof. Impatient. Loves reading, but more importantly, loves appearing smart and useful. Inquisitive. Clingly. Morbidly curious due to unacknowledged trauma. Uptight. Talkative.
  • Languages: English. Speaks good French, but cannot writing. Learning the basics of Latin.
  • Feminine skills: A skilled sketch artist for her age, and delicate penmanship. She is not patient enough to be good at embroidery, and she cannot carry a tune for her life.
  • She enjoys logic puzzles, riddles, and any board or card game that requires use of her mind.
  • She has a solid black cat named Posey who takes with her to Hogwarts each year She also has a dachshund puppy named Riot, who is, in fact, a riot.
  • Her biggest fear is being a disappointment.<
  • Her Hogwarts electives are Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Ghoul Studies.
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