Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did You Know?
Queen Victoria was known for putting jackets and dresses on her pups, causing clothing for dogs to become so popular that fashion houses for just dog clothes started popping up all over Paris. — Fox
It would be easy to assume that Evangeline came to the Lady Morgana only to pick fights. That wasn't true at all. They also had very good biscuits.
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Eden Echelon [WIP]
Full Name: Eden Jocasta Echelon
Birthdate: November 2nd, 1867
Current Age: Twenty-Three Years
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Reputation: 7. On top of her family's eccentricities, she doesn't fit society's image of a demure, dainty debutante.
Residence: Primarily London, although the family also keeps a home in the English countryside.
Hogwarts House: Unknown. She learned magic from a variety of private tutors and spontaneous practical lessons.
Wand: Redwood, 10 inches, Dragon heartstring, Hard
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Thorben Echelon, Father [1836]
[Name] Echelon (née —), Mother [1841–1889]
[Name] Echelon, Brother [186X]
Valentin Echelon, Brother [1866]
Bellamy Echelon, Sister [1867]
Eve Echelon, Sister [1873–1890]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec dignissim magna, et venenatis eros. Mauris hendrerit pellentesque sem, et dignissim felis finibus eget. Proin condimentum blandit eleifend. Ut mollis justo at odio condimentum ultrices. Nam eu felis dolor. Sed bibendum, velit vel ornare ultrices, mauris diam ultrices massa, quis dapibus ipsum turpis eu massa. Fusce eu risus suscipit, mollis ipsum ac, ornare justo. Etiam vel ex laoreet elit placerat vulputate. Pellentesque in hendrerit ipsum. Nullam dapibus tristique eros sit amet mollis. Proin tempus blandit nisi at interdum. Aenean quis porta leo. Pellentesque vel erat magna.

Vivamus placerat malesuada sem vel iaculis. Praesent mollis sit amet nisl ac cursus. Morbi tincidunt felis sed ipsum fringilla rhoncus. Nam sollicitudin nibh eu quam pretium, ut ultricies tellus laoreet. Nullam interdum fringilla ante eget ultrices. Maecenas turpis velit, volutpat vitae accumsan sit amet, dapibus ac lectus. Morbi nec mollis augue. Nunc id hendrerit urna, et condimentum leo. Pellentesque pellentesque, nunc at placerat molestie, felis ante pretium sapien, at ullamcorper velit dui ac massa. Vivamus in vehicula tortor. Ut faucibus eros enim, eu ornare odio bibendum sed. Nam nec nulla orci. Maecenas vel auctor leo, vitae condimentum quam.
1867 | Eden is born the first daughter of Mr. Thorben Echelon, an English pureblood with more money than he knows what to do with, and Mrs. — Echelon, an eccentric, American-born muggle with a love of travel. After her nursing period the family continues their travels around the globe, and much of the first year of her life is spent traveling Mexico with her parents and her mother's sister—a muggleborn witch eager to spend time with her magical niece and nephews.

1870 | The family is back at home in England when her mother gives birth to Bellamy, a metamorphmagus who enchants Eden with his whimsical, appearance-changing abilities.

1873 | Eve is born. At six-years-old, Eden is absolutely delighted to have a younger sister, and quickly takes on the role of protective older sister. She has difficulties acknowledging her sister's personhood, instead preferring to treat her like a conversational topic and a doll to dress up.

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Outgoing. Self-centered. Independent. Confident. Judges others by the same rigid standards she judges herself by. Artistic. Romanticizes everything. Dry-humored. Catty. Likes the concept of an English Rose but is far too crass to ever fit the description. Attention-seeking.



Sample Roleplay Post:
Name: Bree
Age: 21

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